Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, July 01, 2022

5 more dozen

A sunny start to my morning walk and 64 degrees.
On the way to town I saw a deer and her twin fawns.

The paving workers were just finishing up this morning.
They were paving a private driveway.

Walked all around town, both cemeteries, and the ball park.

Didn't see any other walkers or runners but did see a lot of
people driving RV's, travel trailers, and boats on trailers
pass through town on their way to the lake for the holiday weekend.

A few Killdeers were running around the cemetery.
They crack me up with their running.
Tried to take a picture and this is the best I could get.
Hope you can see the killdeer standing to the right on the path. 
It had just turned around to look at me and then continued running.

Bill was out picking up the men working signs around town
and we had a little chat.

After a while the clouds started moving in and some HUGE drops
of rain fell, but only a few drops, maybe 5 seconds worth.

Walked 6 miles

☀️    ☁️    🌤    🥾  

Had a couple of rain showers today but it was mostly sunny.

We went to the library again today but not for books this time.
Ken made some signs to put on his train layout.
We don't have a printer so went to the library to print them out.

While we were out we made another trip to the dump to get
rid of some smelly garbage.

I baked the last 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies for Bible Time.
That was the last of them.
All 20 dozen are in the freezer till needed.

This evening supper was ham steaks and roasted vegetables.
asparagus (from the garden)

A happy day to you. 🤗
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂


Nellie said...

I love to watch those Kildeer birds! Dinner sounds delicious! Yay for finishing up your cookies!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That's a lot of chocolate chip cookies. My absolute favorite cookie. I'd have to get them out of my freezer or store them with someone else. I'd be too tempted.

Like always your photos are gorgeous. I love the photo of the corn stalks. I don't see corn around here. WE grew it twice - Once we had a good crop and the 2nd summer we got bugs.

You keep posting these beautiful shots of your town + with the low temperatures, I may want to move there.

Tom said...

...we had so little rain this afternoon that I named the drops as they fell!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each picture is gorgeous but that last one really caught my attention. It is so pretty.

Melanie said...

Hi, Karen, Thank you for visiting my blog post today. When I went to approve your comment, I accidently hit the wrong button and deleted it. Just wanted you to know in case you didn't see it. I goofed! Sorry.

Bill said...

20 dozen chocolate chip cookies is a lot. Have a great holiday weekend.

Mari said...

The photo of the corn is so pretty!
Good for you for finishing up the cookies.

Vee said...

Another delicious supper! Ham steaks were on sale at local grocery and I missed out. Bummer!

The kids are blessed to have homemade cookies. And I remember how good your Chocolate Chippers are.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. My family always enjoys ham steaks as well. You have baked a lot of cookies. I hope you have a very happy Independence Day weekend. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

A nice walk. You are inspiring me to sign up to make homemade cookies for Vacation Bible School. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Killdeer are funny when they run with those long legs!

Hootin Anni said...

I do see the killdeer! Oh my, fresh veggies from the garden just can't be beat.

Ann said...

I usually see the killdeer in the empty lot next to my house. They are funny they when they run like that.
I expect a lot of boats and RV's will be headed out this weekend.
So how long does it take you to walk the 6 miles? I think it normally took me about 20 minutes to walk a one mile loop.

eileeninmd said...

Love the pretty rural scenes and the Killdeer.
The roasted veggies sound yummy. Have a happy and safe 4th of July weekend.

Lisa said...

I can smell the cookies from here. 20 dozen? Thats a lot! You should open a little cookie shop.
Have a Happy 4th!

Granny Marigold said...

We walked in sunshine this morning but now, at 2 o'clock, clouds are moving in. Apparently we're going to have a cloudy week with showers. My garden needs the water and I can use the "inside days" to do a more thorough job of household chores which I've been neglecting.
I love the Killdeer with their funny habit of pretending to be injured to lead you away from their nests.

William Kendall said...

Kildeer fool the predators, but not us.