45 degrees this morning, calm, and cloudy.
Took along my walking stick this morning because I walked the Farm Loop.
Just take my stick with me on country roads and in the woods.
In town I don't bother with it.
Just before I reached the first farm counted 5 deer run across the
the road in front of me.
It wasn't quite light out yet when I got to Farmer Bill's
farm where these three donkey's live.
Sorry for the low quality of the picture but wanted a picture of the donkeys.
They all came over to the fence when I got there.
A very peaceful and quiet walk around the loop and
didn't see any people or cars.
It is hard to see but can you spot the swing
hanging on the right side of the tree?
I cropped it here.
From the Jeep, around the loop and back to the Jeep is
4 1/2 miles.
When I got back I walked the other 1 1/2 miles around the
cemetery on the top of the hill
to give me my 6 mile total.
☁️ 🙂 ☁️
Another warm day and mid morning the sun came out
for a little while.
Finished up reading my last book for the year,
Go Tell the Bees That I am Gone by Diana Gabaldon.
It is the 9th book in the series with one more book
to be written.
We never go anywhere for New Years Eve.
Just another day for us.
We are making home made pizza for supper.
The dough is in the bread machine now.
Thanks for stopping by.
🎊 Happy New Years Eve 🎊
👩🏻🦳 happyone ❤️
What a wonderful thought it is
that some of the best days of our lives
haven't even happened yet.
- Anne Frank -