Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, July 06, 2020

Another summer day

Happy Monday

Walking to town this morning the temperature was 64 degrees.
Very calm with a mix of sun and clouds.

All the usual deer and rabbits were about this morning.
Besides all the usual birds I saw a couple of gray cat birds.

Once to town I just walked around the cemeteries a couple times
each and then it was a walk back home again.

Lena was walking down the hill from the cemetery as I was 
starting up.

I had walked a little way down the road toward my house when I 
heard a couple of sirens.  Didn't think much of it and continued home.

Walked 5.7 miles

 🌤     🙂     🌤

Got the garbage in the back of the truck and left for the
refuse center right after breakfast.

When we got to the main road found out what the sirens were about.
A pick up truck looked like it had rolled over after hitting
the guard rail right where I had just walked.

We went up to the other part of our property to put a few things
away in the shed up there.
Came back with a big flower pot and a few other things to
put around outside the house.
Pictures will come along as these items find just the right spot.

After lunch we just hang around the house doing this and that.
Always nice to take a few breaks and sit on the porch.

It's been another beautiful day though a little warmer
than usual with temps in the low 80's.
Might be getting a thunder storm.
Can hear thunder as I type this.

That's been my day.
Thanks for stopping by.
Life is Good
Find the good in your day.
happyone  ❤️


Deb J. in Utah said...

I love your flower. So glad you weren't walking when that truck crashed. God was watching out for you. See you again tomorrow.

Tom said...

...I look forward to summer, but today it hit 91F with the entire week to be the same and with no rain in sight!

Susie said...

Glad you were past the area where the truck wrecked. I love the flowers. Pretty color. The road shot looks like a nice place to walk. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Rose said...

I have some of those very same Asiatic lilies blooming now...or they sure look about the same. Glad you were already past the scene of the accident! There have been times when traveling that we have gotten delayed or got behind someone slow, only to come up on a bad wreck...and I always think God must have had this in mind when I was slow leaving, or got behind someone slow, etc...

The Furry Gnome said...

It's far too hot here!

Hootin Anni said...

I would hate seeing ANY vehicle accident. Your morning walk sounds wonderful. Wish I could mtself...I miss my early morning walks, but your high temps are our 6 am temps. Today heat index was 111°. That's summer in South Texas. Love the color of those lilies!

ellen b. said...

Glad you were past that part of the road when that truck rolled over!! Summer seems to have arrived here. We worked weeding and mowing and Dear put in more pavers for our ground patio area. Glad you had a beautiful day. We are expecting some rain tomorrow, too. Enjoy your evening.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You certainly had God’s protection all around you, as you could have just as easily been in harms way. Praise God for His hand over you and all of us.

Granny Marigold said...

I hope the folks in the pick-up are okay.
I hope the thunder storm wasn't too bad. I used to love hearing the low rolling thunder in the distance. Not the scary loud crashes.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely flowers.

God bless.

Joyful said...

It sounds like you just missed being hit by a truck. Good thing you were a little ahead of it. It sounds like you had another fruitful day too. Have a wonderful rest of your week.

eileeninmd said...


I am glad you were not walking when that truck crashed.. Your flowers are so pretty. We are still missing the rain, yesterday it was all around us. Enjoy your day!

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Karen- A lucky escape. We're in Winter with top temperature of 14 and 3 Deg C overnight- some rain about which is good. Certainly looking forward to the end of Winter- staying rugged up all the time with Heaters on. Have fun there with Summer. Cheers. KEV>

Dianna said...

Thankful for God's protection over you, Karen.

The Stargazer Lilies are beautiful!

Inger said...

Love your country road with its critters. I've never heard of a gray cat bird before.

William Kendall said...

Lovely flowers.

Bill said...

The flowers are pretty. Have a great day.

Vee said...

The Asian lilies are so lovely. So glad that you were no longer in harm's way when the truck hit the guardrail. Yikes! It does sound like a great day.

Greg Prosmushkin said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. We wish we could have 64-degree weather here. We have been stuck in the 90 degree mark and very humid. It was great stopping by your blog. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
Greg Prosmushkin