Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, October 26, 2016


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This morning on my walk it was 28 degrees but with no wind it didn't seem
that cold.

It was my typical walk around town in the dark and then when it got light
I walked around both cemeteries and the ball park loop.

Saw some birds perching on the cattails around the town pond
and a bunny rabbit hopping along.
No people around today.

By the time I got back home the sun was out.
Walked 6 miles
Found a penny
 🚶     🚶     🚶     🚶
When I walked in the door something smelled GOOD.
Ken made cinnamon rolls and we had them for breakfast.
We each ate two.
Ken went up to Happy Trails after breakfast 
and I got out my slow cooker and made some chili.
Then baked a batch of chocolate chippers.

Did a few other little things around the house and then before
I knew it, it was lunch time and Ken was back home.
After lunch I went back up to HT with him and we continued
cutting down more little trees and brush along the lane up to the driveway.

Then home, got cleaned up, and now I'm about to go and eat some supper,
some of that chili.

A happy day to you.
happyone  🎈
"Do not spoil what you have be desiring what you have not."
~ Ann Brashares

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Comment replies:
PomPom - We haven't had any problems at all with our pellet stove and we've used it for the last 3 years.  We have a Harmon stove which was here when we moved in the house.  It is supposed to be the best one so we got the same kind for the basement.  I don't really know of any dangers except that you do have a flame and need to be careful.

Vee - A pallet of pellets here cost $230.  A pallet is a ton and we got two pallets and it will probably last all winter.  Since it is the only heat we use we feel that it is a good price instead of paying the electric for the heat pump!!  Especially living here where it is cold and the emergency heat is always kicking in.

Connie - Yes, the fence in yesterday's post that you like is ours.  It is the fence that surrounds  my little garden.  It is made from little trees that we cut down. This is what is left of the garden.  I need to get out there and do a little clean up.


Adam said...

28 degrees? You can keep that

Happy@Home said...

I am thinking those cinnamon rolls would be a most welcome sight after a chilly walk. I am going to show this picture to Brett. He makes fabulous pancakes. Perhaps he would like to expand his repertoire.
Chocolate chipper and chili also sound perfect. Enjoy.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your top photo on this post ...

Isn't the smell of cinnamon wonderful ... I'm sure those two rolls you had were delicious.

Hope you enjoy the chili

All the best Jan

Henny Penny said...

Your days always sound so peaceful. I was talking about walking nine miles at the fair and you walk almost that much every day! No wonder you can eat 2 cinnamon rolls and stay slim. :)

Alica said...

It was definitely chilly this morning. I had some ice in the hose at the calf hutches when feeding calves at 8 am. A good day for some chili!!

Cat Lover said...

Hi Karen, it was chilly for our walk this morning but not 28 degrees! We did have a frost though. I do love walking in the cooler weather. Much more energy then in the hot humid weather.
Lucky you, cinnamon rolls after a cool walk!
Hope you enjoyed your chili!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The frosty scene is quite lovely.The cinnamon buns make me hungry.

Vee said...

Good deal! Now are you going to tell about living in a castle in Scotland?

Deb J. in Utah said...

My those cinnamon rolls look delicious! What a yummy way to start the day. I love the idea that you can heat your entire house with your pellet stove. That must be very cozy, not to mention economical. You have a great Thursday!

Breathing In Grace said...

Do you walk year round, even when the temps are really low? I've been such a slacker on my walking and I'm definitely feeling it. I so admire your dedication.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

ooh Ken's cinnamon rolls look delicious, what a wonderful surprise to be greeted by.
Have a lovely Thursday :)

Christine said...

I shivered at the frosty scene but it does have a special beauty! I also love those cinnamon rolls and don't think I could have stopped at just 2! You made a great job of the fence - love its rustic style!

Pom Pom said...

Thank you for the info, Karen!
Wow! Frosty! We haven't had that yet!
Do you save the twigs and sticks that you find when you are clearing? You could make stuff!

Summer said...

Ken is so sweet☺ The rolls look so yummy, and I always like hearing about you walking experiences ♥

Melanie said...

Sounds like the perfect autumn day. Your frosty walk made me shiver! I'll bet that chili was extra good that night!

Bethany Carson said...

Love your photo of the frost--and the fog rising off the lake! Looks cold, but beautiful. Sounds like the kind of day I would really love to stop by and visit you actually with those cinnamon rolls, then chili, and to top it all off, chocolate chip cookies! :D Do you have any leftovers for your poor hungry blogging friends?! (Don't tell me I have to cook my own...)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

You are awesome to walk 6 miles! I always pick up pennies, don't want to chance having bad luck. lol! The other day I heard on the news that a bank had spread pennies throughout a few states. If you picked one up that had their logo on it you could cash it in for $1000. Awesome! None here in UT though. I only remember NY. Their motto was something to do with saving your pennies one at a time. Great promotional idea if you ask me! Love cinnamon rolls and I would have eaten two as well! :)

Meta/roses. said...

You have such great photos.

Lisa said...

You lost me at 28 degrees but you had be back at the cinnamon rolls.

The Furry Gnome said...

Delicious looking cinnamon buns!

Anonymous said...

Your temps dropped in a hurry! That's a lot of leaves to rake, but they sure are pretty. Those cinnamon rolls are tempting, I'll bet they smelled wonderful.