Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, October 14, 2016

A chilly start

🍁     🍁     🍁     🍁
The coldest morning so far this season at 31 degrees.
Quite a bit of fog around first thing this morning
and we had the first light frost.
No special route today.  Another one of those days when I just walk all over
the place around town.  Up and down all the streets.  
I like these cool crisp mornings for walking. 

Kathy was out once again too and we stopped for a chat.  We just stop for a about minute and you would be surprised how much you can learn about someone a minute at a time.  Though we don't walk together, she is a walking friend.

There is not very much traffic around here anyway but today there was
no school and there was even less cars.  No bus drivers to wave to either.

Walked 6.3 miles
🚶     🚶     🚶     🚶
The sun broke through the clouds and we had a beautiful sunny day
and it stayed in the high 50's.

I've started a big project in the house.
Cleaning, straightening, throwing out, giving away and organizing
the closet in my bedroom, office/craft room, and the front hall closet.
Also going through all my clothes in my dresser too.
I got a good start on it today.
Front hall closet is finished and I love it being neat and tidy.
I have clothes in our bedroom closet which I share with Ken
and also clothes in the closet in my office.  I don't like sharing a closet
so I've decided to put my hanging clothes in my office closet.  I got all my hanging clothes in there and cleared the closet shelf off.
 I'm not sure yet what I'm going to put on the closet shelf.

After I'd had enough of doing that, I decided to go outside.
Started cutting down all the daisies in the garden down at the end of the driveway.
Didn't finish but got a good start.

I was sitting at the computer thinking I needed to go and get supper started
when Ken poked his head around the corner and said,
"Do you want to go to Uniontown and have supper at Red Lobster."
He didn't have to ask me twice.😊
 Here's my supper.
 I started to eat some of the stuffed flounder and then remembered to take a picture.
I ate half of everything and took the other half home.
Afterward we went to Home Depot (it is the closest one to us)
and picked up a few things for the cabin. 

No ice cream tonight, my snack will be a nice crisp granny smith apple.
A happy day to you.
happyone  🎈

"The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers.
But above all, the world needs dreamers who do."
~Sara Ban Breathnach


Ruth Hiebert said...

I need to get inspired to clean,sort and organize my things.The foggy pictures are so pretty.

Vee said...

Gorgeous tree! That frost is coming our way overnight. All my flowers are sitiing here in the house with me. I can't bear to let them go yet as they are still so pretty.

After cleaning at The Ponderosa all summer and now into autumn, I am itching to get going on my own house. All the best with your projects! Ken is a special man to see how busy you were all day and then to anticipate that you might not feel like making supper. You two make a great team.

Vee said...

Some days I can spell "sitting."

Bethany Carson said...

Sounds like a good day. Your photos of the fog are awesome! Love how it brings out the color in the tree. Great that you got some cleaning done. It always feels good to have a clean closet.

Christine said...

Wonderful misty morning photos especial;;y the first one with the golden tree!

John's Island said...

That first picture is really great!

Melanie said...

Yes! Red Lobster would be my choice as well rather than cooking. I love to reorganize and sort through things. I do that periodically. 31 degrees is getting a bit chilly for me! That's what is called cold here in Florida so I shudder to think how it will be when I eventually move to Tennessee! I think I'll be in for a very rude awakening! Have a great day.

Connie said...

I love your photography . . . you captured the mood of the misty morning. Wish that I was there to walk with you. Your walks are twice the length of mine, so I would really have to work to keep up, LOL.

Jagoda Smith said...

Beautiful photos.

Cat Lover said...

Hi Katen, just catching up after being off line for a couple days. My Mum came for a quick visit.
Lovely photos of the fog and frost. We received frost a few mornings ago so our annuals are done now. Enjoy your organizing! It always feels great to have everything neat and tidy.

Cat Lover said...

Sorry, I meant Hi Karen!

Lowcarb team member said...

Fantastic photo's, such lovely colour in them.

Glad you had a great meal out.

All the best Jan

The Furry Gnome said...

Aren't you the ambitious organizer!

Adam said...

We're anywhere from 50-70 right now

CountryMum said...

Your foggy morning photos are just so beautiful!