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My step-brother is doing quite well after his back surgery.
The surgery went well. He now has rods and clips in his back.
His one leg is numb but will most likely be better in a couple of days.
Doctor says that Chris might not to be able to stand up as straight as he once did but pretty close to it. We will just have to see. He is in good spirits but now just has to heal.
Thank you all for all your thoughts, cares, and prayers.
: )
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I woke up to a morning of rain and was prepared to go walking in it.
But when I stepped outside the rain stopped.
I took along my umbrella just in case it started again.
The temperature was 68 and there was a breeze.
Walked all over town on one of my town routes.
I didn't see anyone else out walking and even less cars than I usually do.
I first heard and then saw a couple of killdeers at one of the cemeteries, and the usual rabbits hopping off to hide when I walk by.
It never did rain while I walked so I didn't have to bring my umbrella.
I was home for 5 minutes and it started pouring.
Walked 6.2 miles.
Found a penny.
Sunrise 6:22
Sunset 8:24
It never did rain while I walked so I didn't have to bring my umbrella.
I was home for 5 minutes and it started pouring.
Walked 6.2 miles.
Found a penny.
Sunrise 6:22
Sunset 8:24
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Since it was raining we decided to go to LaVale for the day.
Went in various stores getting some things that we needed.
We pass by an antiques shop quite often but have never stopped in.
Today we did.
It was a fun shop to look around and the two floors were covered with old and new things mixed together. Things in every nook and cranny. I didn't really want to buy anything because I already have too much stuff but a little something caught my eye.
It was a little blue and white Dutch girl holding two buckets of water which were the clappers, making this a most unusual BELL.
I had never seen a bell with the clappers on the outside before.
The price tag on it was only $5 but when I went to buy it I was told that it was on sale for half price. Not bad for only $2.50. : )
Went in various stores getting some things that we needed.
We pass by an antiques shop quite often but have never stopped in.
Today we did.
It was a fun shop to look around and the two floors were covered with old and new things mixed together. Things in every nook and cranny. I didn't really want to buy anything because I already have too much stuff but a little something caught my eye.
It was a little blue and white Dutch girl holding two buckets of water which were the clappers, making this a most unusual BELL.
I had never seen a bell with the clappers on the outside before.
The price tag on it was only $5 but when I went to buy it I was told that it was on sale for half price. Not bad for only $2.50. : )
The rain stopped on the way to LaVale so we had a sunny day after all.
Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone : )
"Look not at the days gone by with a forlorn heart.
They were simply the dots we can now connect with our present,
to help us draw the outline of a beautiful tomorrow."
~ Dodinsky
I enjoy the quotes at the end of your posts. Glad your step brother is doing so well. Our daughter had scoliosis and had steel rods and clips put in her back when she was 19. Very painful surgery and recovery. HOPE you have a happy SONday!
That little bell is cute.
Glad to hear the good news about your brother. It's pretty amazing what they can do during surgery...hoping for a quick recovery! The little bell is darling. I have a couple of vintage ornament that look something like yours...except only one clapper under her dress :)
That is what Chris has. He had surgery when he was younger too.
I couldn't resist it. : )
Your timing for your walk was perfect, you missed the rain. The Dutch girl bell is charming, and good to hear your step-brother is recovering.
And such great news about Aaron. : ) Praise God.
I have the bell sitting on my dresser with some other blue and white things.
Beautiful bell.
Hello, I am glad your step brother is doing well. Pretty scenes from your walk, the antique store looks interesting. I like your cute Dutch girl bell. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!
Good morning Karen, so happy to hear Chris's surgery went well. Wishing him a good recovery! How far away is LaVale from us?? ;) You know me and antique stores. Looks like my kind of store! You little bell is beautiful.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
I get lucky with the rain pretty often. : ) Then again once in a while it's nice to walk in the rain.
We had rain all day yesterday and will have the same today. Thanks for the update on Chris. I'm glad things went well. The Dutch girl bell is so cute and very unusual. I've never seen a bell like that. Have a great day.
I just couldn't resist it. : )
I love looking around shops like that.
Thanks. Enjoy your Sunday too.
Thank you.
Too far for a day trip. : ) But you could always stay at our house. : )
You would love the store.
Sun is shining brightly right now. : )
The bell is unusual and I just couldn't resist it.
Glad to hear your step-brother's surgery went well and I hope he makes a speedy recovery. It's wonderful what they can do these days.
Thank you. It sure is. He is going home tomorrow already.
Would love to meet someday!
OOh I'd love to have a browse in that store!
I have a little porcelain bell in the form of a pretty lady in a yellow dress.
Glad your Step-brother is making good progress.
Have a brilliant new week Happyone :)
All this week or two here it's been rain and rain and rain
I like your 1960 Holland Girl clapper bell. : )
It really was nice looking around in the shop.
I'm sure I'd like your bell too. : )
Thank you.
Hope you get a sunny day. : )
I looked it up on line and you're right. : ) I saw one on ebay for $15, so I got a good deal. Thanks for the info!!
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