Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, May 06, 2015


My nice clean car
For those of you wondering my car is a C5 2002 - She turned 13 in March.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
54 degrees and sunny this morning on my walk.
Walked to the post office and dropped some mail in the slot and then walked on over to the library and dropped a book down the slot for Ken.

Walked down toward HT and up Sale Barn Road a little ways, around one of the cemeteries and then on home.

Just a 4 mile walk this morning and a rare morning when I didn't take any pictures.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
The short walk today was because we wanted to leave early to get a load of stone to take up to HT and I had to get a load of wash hung out on the line before we left.
This big pile of stone is where we've been getting our loads and this huge machine is what puts it in our trailer and it is BIG.
To give you an idea of just how big it is, I took this picture out of the windshield of our truck.  Look how big that wheel is next to the truck.
Going up the driveway at HT is quite an experience with a couple of tons of stone in a trailer and Ken has been doing a great job.  Today there was a bit of a problem.  We have a big stump right at the edge at one part and the 5 other times we went by it with no problem.  Each time Ken says, " I should get rid of that stump one of these days I'm going to hit it. " The 6th time we weren't so lucky and the back trailer tire ran into it and the axle was slightly bent.  So we only were able to get one load of stone up at HT and the trailer now sits at the trailer dealer waiting to get fixed.  Oh, and the next time we take the trailer up the driveway at HT that stump will be GONE. : )

Some pretty little wild flowers are starting to bloom up at HT.
This afternoon we washed cars.  Ken washed the Equinox and I washed my car.  Then I went for a little spin in my car.  I had planned a nice route but kind of got lost. But I did have a nice tour of the other side of the lake. : )  Then I drove up to the scenic overlook and stopped and took a picture of my car which is the 'picture of the day.'
I drove my walking route around the Farm Loop too.  Felt really strange to drive it.  : )

Supper is in the oven and soon after we eat we will head out to church.
When I get back I have to make some muffins - from a mix so it will be quick.
Then I'll be happy to have my ice cream snack, watch a little television and make a few weave-it squares.

Life is Good.
Hope your day has been a happy one.
happyone : )
Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts.
It's what you do with what you have left.
~ Hubert Humphrey


Anonymous said...

Another good blog. Another full day Sorry about the axle on your trailer. Hope you enjoy yourselves at church tonight. Mary Jo

eileeninmd said...

Your car is pretty! Sorry about the trailer accident.. Love the pretty flowers.. Glad you had a nice day..

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love a clean car and yours is awesome. It will be good to finally get that stump out - kind of like lots of things in our life - we know for a while when something is going to cause a problem before it actually does. Hope you get the trailer fixed soon and that it doesn't cost too much!

Happy@Home said...

The TLC you have shown your car is evident in the picture. She looks great!
So sorry to hear about the trailer mishap. I am sure that will take care of the stump problem.
Wow, yes that is BIG!

Nellie said...

Oh! I do love that red car! Sorry about the stump problem. Perhaps you just needed to take some time off from hauling stone. Great meaning in the Hubert Humphrey quote.

The Furry Gnome said...

That's one hot car!

doodles n daydreams said...

Yes, I too like your 'hot' car - and did you know red cars go faster? :) Or so I've been told.
I've corrected my F degs to C degs which is a whole lot warmer.
Have a nice day.


Kerin said...

Life is good!!
How lucky you are that you had a nice day to wash the car :)
Around here, it's been raining, but today is due to be a lot sunnier.

Drat about the trailer! Still, the flowers are darling that are blooming at your place.

Have a happy day!!


Cat Lover said...

Your car is beautiful! Sorry about your trailer axle. Love the wildflowers. Spring has finally sprung here too.

Vee said...

Such a corker of a car. You take very good care of it! Sorry about the trailer accident. Guess it's damage control there, too.

Jeanne said...

Nothing like a beautiful clean car! It should be warm there tomorrow. It was in the high 80's here today.

Sue said...

So sorry about the axle breaking! Your car is beautiful! you seem, I enjoy reading about your life, it is so rich and full.

o2bhiking said...

Sounds like that stump has a limited life! I've seen so many beautiful wildflowers on my two hikes lately. It's a wonderful time of year to be in the woods.

Anonymous said...

Your car is a classic and will always look fabulous. It's fun to drive a clean car. ;) I drive an SUV. My grandkids might be offended if I only had one seat to offer! LOL