Poor Daffodils
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I had my usual walk around town again and around the cemeteries and ball loop as well.
I saw one other person out and they were walking their dog. Two fishermen were at the pond again fishing.
The rain stopped for a short while and the sun even came out for a few minutes but then it was back to raining again.
By the time I had gotten back home the temperature had fallen to 40 degrees and the wind had kicked up.
I walked 5.2 miles.
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The temperature went down in the 30's and as we ate breakfast we saw that it had started snowing.Planned on working on the garden some more but it was not to be. We drove up to Grantsville and went to the Rite-Aid, Candyland and the library. Ken picked out candy and I came home with some nice big fresh strawberries.
By late afternoon the snow stopped, the temperature went up in the 40's and we even saw a little blue sky and all trace of the snow was gone. : )
I did a little reading and finished sewing the weave-it squares and now have a finished blanket for a baby girl. Didn't make it for anyone in particular, just like to have a couple in reserve.
We just finished supper and are about to leave for church.
Hope your day was sunny and bright.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise
of ordinary people living ordinary lives.
~ Tracy Chapman
Just a little snow to let you know winter has been, a shame for the daffys though.
We had snow here today also...but ours didn't stick. It was "raining" snow (if that makes any sense), but by the time it hit the ground there was enough warmth that it didn't stick. My husband went out and covered my Bleeding Heart plant because of the freeze we are to have tonight. Every year about the time it is getting ready to bloom we get a freeze.
We were at Grantsville last Monday...at Candyland. :) We ate supper at The Casselman.
Have a lovely remainder of the week!
Odd weather! Poor daffodils have drooping heads.:-( We expect some cooler temperatures here over the week-end, but not cold enough for snow.
Hi Karen - pretty typical spring weather - sun one minute and snow the next. Glad it didn't last long. I haven't had much time to visit blogs this week, but decided to stop by before going to bed tonight! Sounds like you are having another happy week. :-)
Wow, the weather is just crazy.. It is chilly and windy here.. I think the rain missed us..Pretty images, have a happy Thursday!
Hi Karen, I enjoyed your photos as usual and, wow, in that third one the color intensity is just amazing. Nice work!
We just got snow here today too. Thankfully it is not supposed to last. Have a great day!
We've had snow on the daffodils a couple of times over the years but that has always been in March. I'm glad it has warmed up again for you. (I've got some strawberries in the fridge too.)
Talk about temperature changes...that was a lot in a short day. I've had snow on daffodils before (not this year though) and they do seem to droop in sadness. Hopefully you get sunny skies again and they perk back up.
When I was camping out in the mountains this weekend we had sleet for a time but no snow. We don't need any more of it!
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