Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Stone flower box

Picture of the Day
Old Barn
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When I walked this morning the temperature was 55 degrees and it was cloudy and  quite a breeze blowing too.  It can get pretty windy along the long stretch of road by the farms.

I walked the Farm Loop, around one of the cemeteries and the loop behind the ball park and through town.

A pretty quiet morning.  Didn't see anyone else out walking, but still always nice to be out early walking.

I walked my usual 6.2 miles.
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Ken and I were out and about this morning getting a few errands done. 

I finished reading the book club book selection for next month, The Rope by Nevada Barr.  This one I liked.  You can read about it HERE.

This is the flower box that Ken made on the other side of the water feature yesterday.  He planted a daisy, a cone flower and a marigold.  Dug up from other places around the yard.
That's it for today.
Hope your day is a happy one.
happyone : )
One of the things I learned the hard way
was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged.
Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life
can restore your faith in yourself.
~ Lucille Ball
 Three Thankful Things Today
  1. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on toast
  2. The letter carrier who brings mail to my house every day
  3. A pantry full of food
Comment Replies:
Patti - Thankfully our yard is big enough for the clothes line and bird feeders. : )


Anonymous said...

Lovely flower box with water works. Mary Jo

Happy@Home said...

Very pretty flower box and I like the idea to find flowers from the yard to fill it.
Good advice from Lucille Ball today.

Rick Watson said...

Beautiful pictures.
I've not heard of that book. I've been reading essays by EB White. They are stunning in their simplicity.

Helen said...

Hello :) I like Ken`s stone flower box.

Kerin said...

Nice pictures.
The flower box will be a nice place for perennials to flourish.

I agree with your thankful things # 3. It is such a blessing to have plenty of food.

Smiles :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I really love that old barn. They add such personality to a countryside.

Nellie said...

Love that picture of the barn!

You and Ken are working really hard in your yard. It will be like a welcoming oasis with the flowers and water feature.

Lucille Ball had a good philosophy!

You are probably already out there walking this morning, as I am commenting on Wednesday morning! Sending you wishes for a good day!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I enjoy your beautiful pics! Nice to get out and about with the husband

Betsy Banks Adams said...

It is warm and VERY windy here today. A cold front is coming through tomorrow... Cannot wait... I love cooler weather in Fall.

You probably won't believe this, but I grew up on Peanut Butter and MAYO... Still love it --but since I don't eat much Mayo these days, I choose PB and BANANA now.... Never did care for PB and Jelly (and never have ever eaten much jelly --other than Strawberry Preserves)...


Ida said...

What a neat looking barn. The pattern of the shingles is interesting. I really like your stone water features. Tell your hubby it looks great.

Kerri Farley said...

Followed the link - that book looks really good!

George said...

I really like the stone flower bed that Ken made.

o2bhiking said...

The stone flower container is nice!

I like a lot of Nevada Barr's books, although some of them are pretty violent. Not sure about that one. Maybe I will check it out!