I walked the farm loop and when I got back to town, walked the two cemetery loops and the path behind the ball park.
The chickens at the farm were out walking around the farm yard. It was so warm out they left the barn today.
No snow anywhere any more and it felt like spring.
I walked 6.6 miles.
I found a penny today. : )
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Not long after I got back from walking the temperature was 40 so when I washed the sheets I decided to hang them outside on the line. Can't do that very often in the winter.I was planning on doing some cleaning but since it was so nice we decided to go up to Happy Trails for a couple of hours before lunch.
We walked around for a while and planned out a new trail down to another area of our land. Also cleared some debris out of the stream.
That's me in the picture bending down for a closer look at our little stream.
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When I got back home I did that cleaning that I had planned to do in the morning.I'm making Chicken Enchiladas tonight for supper, using some of that chicken I cooked up the other day. It is one of my favorite meals.
Hope you're enjoying your day as much as I'm enjoying mine.
happyone : )
People overestimate the pleasure they'll get
from having more stuff.
This does not apply to new rose bushes,
crayons, or yarn stashes.
~Dr Sun Wolf
If your reading this RK, the 'yarn stashes' made me think of you. : )
That is a beautiful sunrise and such a lovely way to think of it too.
It sounds like your weather has changed considerably since my last visit.
Chicken enchiladas sound yummy. Enjoy!
A beautiful sunrise and a lovely day!
Fabric probably comes in there someplace, too. I can not believe the snow is all gone!
You have such nice thoughts! And I hope you're enjoying Happy Trails more often now that you live closer.
We had a beautiful sunrise here this morning, too, though the sun's appearance was short-lived. We have had a rainy day here since mid-morning.
Absolutely beautiful sunrise. What a wonderful way to start the day!
I'm sure you are enjoying these milder temps.... Of course they won't last --but when we get them, it's NICE.
It rained here all day long --and tomorrow night we may get some snow.... Fun Fun!
That pink sky was beautiful. I saw it too.
I stayed out all day enjoying the nice weather. Glad you had such a lovely day. Happy Trails is your happy place. Mary Jo
Gorgeous Sunrise!
Oh I a m still out there reading Happy One! I love the quote. So true. Miss you girl!
What an absolutely beautiful pre-sunrise sky!! Wow. We had that here in KY yesterday as well. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen.
An absolutely beautiful sunrise.
Amazing sunrise!!!
I enjoy a sunset from my terrace because they are tall buildings in the east side of my house so I am never able to see the sun rise but I always get to enjoy the sun set.
The sun always gives me this ineffable strength, which I cherish a lot.
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