Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Another puzzle

This morning it was a little warmer than yesterday.  But only by 2 degrees at 10 below zero so once again I started the day down in the basement walking loops.  I am enjoying listening to The Inn at Rose Harbor though.  I listened to the second disc and walked just under 6 miles again.

We are starting yet another puzzle.  This one may take the rest of the winter to do.  It looks hard and has 3000 pieces.  Ken had to extend the dining room table with cardboard and tape to make more room and we still can't fit all the pieces out flat.  We are in the process of putting all the pieces out and doing the border.  We always start that way.
It is a beautiful sunny day with bright blue skies and looks deceivingly warm out. I went outside after lunch again to feed the birds, get the mail and walk around the yard a little again.  It's not much but I do enjoy being outside.
As I was vacuuming today I noticed that it wasn't picking up things so good and figured it was time to change the bag.  When I zipped it open to replace the bag I saw that the bag had come unhooked and all the vacuum dirt was all inside the zipped part.  I ended up getting my other vacuum from down downstairs and vacuumed the vacuum. : ) I was annoyed but thinking about what I was doing I had to laugh about it.

Hope your day is a happy one.
happyone : )
There is a great man who makes every man feel small.
But the real great man is the man who makes every man feel great.
~ G K Chesterton

That quote made me think of my Gramma (Dad's mom) because all of us grandkids (8 of us) thought that we were the favorite one! : ) She made each one of us feel special.  I sure do miss her.

Three Thankful Things for Today
  1. A beautiful sunny clear day
  2.  Memories of Gramma
  3. The time after breakfast that Ken and I sit and just talk
Comment replies:
Linda - I am enjoying the Inn at Rose Harbor and have already put the next audio book  on hold.  Now the weather will warm up. : )  I'm going to start reading the Cedar Cove series.  I've heard about the TV series.  I tried to find it on Netflex but they don't seem to have it.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---even though I love winter and snow, this frigid winter (5 or more days going below zero) is too much for me! I thought I'd love living in your area --but after this month, I'm not sure! This is SO rare for Tennessee. I'm ready for some 'milder' weather!!!!! ha ha

So you vacuumed the vacuum with another vacuum???? ha ha


Vee said...

You guys sure choose tough puzzles! My mom used to use cookie sheets for some of the different colors. That way, she could take her cookie sheet and work while seated in her favorite chair. I always thought that was clever. So glad that this audio book idea is working well for you.

Kerri Farley said...

Looking forward to seeing the progress on this one too!

Nellie said...

That sounds like quite a puzzle you have underway! It has been awhile since I've worked one, but I always would begin the border, then fill in the middle. We had lots of sun today, but it was still cold.

Beth said...

The puzzle sounds interesting. I will be looking forward to seeing it finished.

The Furry Gnome said...

Vacuuming the vacuum eh? Sounds like fun.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi - I just finished "The Midwife of Hope River" today and really, really liked it. Before reading your blog post, I picked out my next book and you will not believe it was a Debbie MaComber Cedar Cove book "44 Cranberry Point." Will be enjoying starting it later tonight. Great minds think alike! I hope it is good because "The Midwife of Hope River" was great. I love your puzzle but I think 3000 pieces might be too much for me - I might get discouraged and give up. I am still not finished with the rather wimpy puzzle I am working on but it has been a busy week. I am off to work on a lesson for my online class but wanted to stop in and say hello. Have a happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

"Misery loves company," Happyone...I had that happen with my vacuum cleaner about a month ago! Only I didn't have another one that I could use to clean up the mess. :-( I did get it taken care of, though.

I like the puzzle picture.

Your back yard looks so pretty!


Rupasi said...

Today's post is a funny one... I mean vacuuming the vacuum... (hahaha) and then extending the table to fit in all the puzzle pieces...(funny!!!)
Good to read

o2bhiking said...

It is cold here, too, but you have 20 degrees on us! I think it is 9 here today so imagine it is plenty cold in western MD. That puzzle would take me the rest of my life, and that assumes I have a lot of years left, which we never can know. Art

Retired Knitter said...

We used to do puzzles. I still have a few downstairs. I know there are a couple still in the box that have never been done. I might dig them out.

I also glued puzzles together if they made a nice picture I wanted to display. There was a woman in mom's rehab/nursing home who spent her time doing puzzles while sitting in her wheel chair. Many many of her puzzles were glued together displayed in her room and on the door and in the hall way. I thought it was nice that the center would support her efforts by showing off her puzzles.

Linda said...

The Cedar Cove series just started this past fall, on the Hallmark Channel. May be too new for Netflix. Is supposed to be back on I believe in February on the Hallmark channel. Last fall it was on Saturday night and then repeated again on Sunday.