I walked the farm loop and didn't see anyone at all on the long stretch of road along the farms, not even one car passed me.
Back to town I saw Lisa who usually runs, walking with her husband Dwain and she introduced us. He is the brother of my friend Connie, who goes to our church and is our neighbor.
Went passed Lone Chicken as usual and she was out of the coop taking in the warm weather with some others. They all looked up to get their picture taken.
After walking around one of the cemeteries, instead of going back down the road and up the other road to the other cemetery I decided to walk the field road on the farm. I didn't think anyone would mind me just walking there. Never see anyone there anyway. The other cemetery is down on the right by those shrubs. It wasn't such a good idea after all because it was wet and muddy. I'll not do that again, at least not when it's wet! : )
I took this picture walking along the sidewalk on the main road in town and you can see that a lot of the gravel from the trucks spreading it for the snow winds up on the sidewalk. They will eventually come along and pick it up.
Turned right up ahead at the first street, went passed the library and then home. So nice being outside once again. : )
I walked 6 miles.
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I made pancakes for breakfast and right afterwards I made some Spinach and Bean Soup and also cooked up a bunch of chicken for meals later in the week. Nice to get that done with and the kitchen cleaned up in the morning.It's warm and rainy all day. Seems a shame to waste a nice warm day with rain. : ) We've been home today just hanging around the house. I've done some more work on my counted cross stitch and read a bit while Ken has been down in the basement working on his train layout.
Hope this day finds you happy and content.
happyone : )
Until one has loved an animal,
a part of one's soul
remains unawakened.
~ Anatole France
I am also baking chicken and the minute you said that about baking chicken for future meals, I hit myself. I should have done the same thing instead of wasting the oven. Maybe I'll toss it in now as the chicken has another half hour to go. I'll be back in a few!
I baked a chicken yesterday and I am good for a few meals.
I love the photo of the chickens. It is easy to biggify your photos so they fill the whole screen...really cool!
Sounds like a lovely, cozy day! I love the picture of the street in your town with all those old historic homes. Looks like a very nice, friendly place to call home! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Well that worked out well. I baked off the chicken breasts and now I'm ready for tomorrow's chicken and dumplings.
Fun to see LC and I hope that she doesn't read your blog with all this baking chicken talk.
Do you suppose that winter has broken for you down there or is there more to come?
I love the quote by Anatole France. And it's true. :) Sounds like a beautiful day for you. Your soup sounds warm and delicious. I am having a great day here. Windy and misty outside, but warm and cozy inside. Getting ready to watch an old movie with Cary Grant on TCM.
It seems that this was a good day to spend in the kitchen. I made two different kinds of soup (one chicken) and tried a new recipe for rolls.
Temperature squeaked above zero here and rained heavily, but now it's back to snowing.
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