Walked the farm loop again and then around the two cemeteries in town. Didn't see any other people out walking.
Since it was sunny and warm, LC and 4 friends were out in the open part of their coop. Their water was frozen and they didn't have any food. I was probably just earlier than usual and they hadn't been seen to yet today.
I walked 6 miles - 11,834 steps.
Sunrise: 7:21
Sunset: 4:53
Mid morning we headed out to the mall in La Vale and did some shopping. I got a few gifts for Harry and finally bought Christmas cards. We had lunch at Applebee's. I'm not fond of shopping and was glad to be done. I just have to buy a couple of things for Ken.When we got home Ken finished putting the lights on the house. I put some greenery on the porch and got the wreath up. Haven't taken pictures yet but I will.
I went inside and finished making the other three dozen Welsh Cookies for the sale on Saturday.
Next I got the seasonal boxes in the foyer decorated.
Here's a few close ups.
That's it for today.
Hope your day has been a good one and that you smiled often.
happyone : )
Christmas is not a time or a season
but a state of mind.
To cherish peach and good will,
to be plenteous in mercy,
is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
If we think on these things,
there will be born in us a Savior and over us
will shine a star
sending its gleam of hope to the world.
~Calvin Coolidge
Those clouds are so pretty with the blue sky peeking through.
The boxes look so cute and festive. I'm glad you showed some close-ups so I could check out all the details.
Above comment is from me (signed into a different account :(.
Lovely sky pic!
I'm with you Karen - not a shopper. Always glad to be finished with it. I love the festive look of your boxes! So fun! Can't wait to see the outside of your home.
What a festive display in the foyer!
You had a busy Tuesday!
Oh I agree with Calvin. Those who think of Christmas as only a season are missing out. Your hallway display looks so beautiful. I love it! It looks as if you had some fun with it.
Love your display!
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