Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The first flakes

It was 34 degrees and dark when I left this morning for my walk.  I walked to the end of town (just a few blocks) and it started raining so I headed back home and got my umbrella.  Then walked around town some more and by the time I got up the hill to the school the rain had turned into snow.  It didn't last long though and then nothing was falling out of the sky.

Walking around the farm loop I noticed that since I'd been here the other day some of the soy bean crops have been harvested.
 The barn still hasn't been painted or a door put up but there was a gate across the opening and cows were inside.  They are black so it may be hard for you to see them in the picture.  They didn't seem at all pleased to be cooped up in there either because they were making quite a racket with their mooing.
I saw a rabbit and four deer.  Haven't seen deer in quite a while so it was nice to see them again.

No people were out that I saw.
A block away from home the rain started again and by the time I was in the house it was snowing in big white flakes.

I walked 6.1 miles - 12,072 steps.
I found a dime today! : )  The first coin this month!
Sunrise: 7:36
Sunset: 6:26
There was no snow accumulation but it was kind of neat to see it falling from the sky already.  It doesn't show up so good in the picture but I thought I'd get a picture of the first flakes of the season.
We decided to take a drive down to La Vale to the Kohl's.  They were having a sale as usual and we had a coupon for 30% off on top of that.  I stocked up on some long sleeve turtle neck tee shirts.  I have such a hard time finding them laltely and that is what I wear every day with jeans.

I've been looking for a pair of rain pants but haven't been able to find any that I like yet.  Stopped in at a sports store but they didn't have them either.
What I did buy were boots for the snow.  Not work boots but ones to wear when we go out this winter. They are warm and comfortable.  And how about those pink laces! : ) I'm all set for the snow now. 
It's been a nice day in spite of the rain/snow showers.  We will be going out again later for supper to the Mountain State Brewery for their brick oven pizza. Oh Boy!! : )

Hope you're enjoying your day as well and that you smiled often.
happyone : )
For beautiful eyes,
look for the good in others;
for beautiful lips,
speak only words of kindness;
and for poise,
walk with the knowledge 
that you are never alone.
~Audrey Hepburn
Comment replies:
Nellie - Yes, I do think the weather might be a factor walking here some days more than it was where I used to live.  But we shall see.  I'll certainly try to get out there every day.

Vee - Yes, it is a bit weird that the weather can be so different where we live than where we used to live even though it is the same state.  It has to do with the higher elevation and we are way out in the pan handle, just 14 miles from WV and about the same from PA.  Just 60 miles south of Pittsburgh.

RK - Actually Ken ran into a knitting group at the place he goes for coffee and a bagel once in a while but they meet at 7:00 in the morning and it's just not a good time for me.  One of the ladies in the knitting group is in my book club.

Ruta - Thanks for geese info. 


Beth said...

I could see the snowflakes in the photo. Too early for snow,,,

Nellie said...

What a nice picture of the first snowfall! Do you have a tradition of a meal that celebrates that occasion? Someone I know will serve grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup!

I could see those cows inside. They probably wanted out so they could see what you were doing.:-)

Yum! I'd love some pizza! We just don't have it too often here.

I, too, shopped at Kohl's today looking for a t-shirt with a particular wording - "Don't Quit!" It's very appropriate for a group of us on that lifetime Weight Watcher journey.

Enjoy your Wednesday evening!

Vee said...

That does it! If it snows here tomorrow, I'm blaming you! LOL Weird, weird weather.

Great boots. Hope that you find some rain pants and perhaps you should be in the market for snow pants, too.
= D

Anonymous said...

I know you'll just "roll with" the snow.
Love Audrey Hepburn's quote.
Mary Jo

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The first snow!! I am so jealous. I LOVE snow and I get so excited when it snows here. I am hoping for a very snowy winter :)

Kerri Farley said...

LOVE your new boots! I need a pair like that!!

o2bhiking said...

With those boots you will be all set to walk in the snow unless it is really storming. It will be a fact of life in your new location. Art