Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Trails

Another late start for me this morning and didn't leave until 7:30.  I think my body has already adjusted for the time change this weekend!
It was a chilly 28 degrees but there was no wind and the sun came out and as you know by now I dress in layers and stay nice and warm.
Walked on over to the post office and dropped a Netflix in the slot, walked passed the lone chicken and then headed up around the farm loop.
It was nice peaceful uneventful walk and didn't see any wildlife or people, but it was great to be out there. : )
A couple of pictures along the way.

I walked 6.1 miles - 11,938 steps.
Sunrise: 7:41
Sunset: 6:20
The weather was nice and sunny so we went up to Happy Trails and spent several hours there.
We made a nice little log bridge over a wet area and lined out a path with logs that will eventually end behind the tracker barn.  Put down some chipped mulch that was left over from last time. 
Last time Ken was up alone he finished putting stones in around the little well he made and made a fence out of trees so no one would fall in it. 
We also cleared out some more brush and burned it in the fire barrel.  Ken got out the tractor and took some tree stumps to the tree stump area up the hill where the wood shop is.
This is my favorite time of year at HT.  With most of the leaves gone you can see a lot better, there are no bugs and you don't get too hot when working. 
It was really nice being up there and I'm glad I decided to go along with Ken today.
Didn't get a thing done around the house but oh well, there is always tomorrow.  Oh yeah we have something planned for tomorrow too. : )

Hope your day was a happy one and you smiled often.
happyone : )
Kind words produce happiness.
How often have we ourselves been made happy
by kind words, 
in a manner and to an extent which
we are unable to explain.
~ Frederick William Faber


Vee said...

It is great to have plans! Days are happier when there are plans, don't you think? i

Nellie said...

I am so glad you changed your mind and returned to blogging after a little time away! I look forward to these daily walks with you!

Beth said...

You see the most awesome sights on your walks. I always enjoy your photos!

o2bhiking said...

I enjoy seeing the changes to HT that you and Ken make.

Don't worry about getting nothing done at the house. I checked, and the sun is still coming up tomorrow, so no worries! ;^)

I am glad you are enjoying the late start. I have a very difficult time with the time changes and never sleep well for a while afterwards. Art

Anonymous said...

Such pretty sights you see on your walks! I like seeing what you two are doing at HT. That's a nice log bridge and fence.


Anonymous said...

I keep thinking you have finished improving Happy Trails only to see a new project take shape. You must have a long term design in mind. Mary Jo

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I like your pictures from this new area even more so than I did at your previous home - and they were beautiful themselves! How long have you been there now? A month? two?

Happy@Home said...

It's always fun to see how things at HT are shaping up. I like the little log bridge. Very thoughtful of Ken to put a fence around the little well.
Enjoy your plans for today.

The Furry Gnome said...

I always enjoy hearing about happenings at Happy Trails.

Deb J. in Utah said...

You are so blessed to have such lovely surroundings. I love the picture of Happy Trails. Also your quote for the day is perfect! Hope you are enjoying your Tuesday.

Kerri Farley said...

Happy Trails is Looking Awesome!!