It was very dark when I started my walk so at first stayed where there were street lights. Then it was just a random walk here and there.
Here are a few pictures I took along the way.
Though I didn't see any wildlife about, not even the cows and horses were around, I sure had a nice morning for walking. So quiet and peaceful.
I walked 6.5 miles - 12,268 steps.
Sunrise 7:29
Sunset 6:36
When I got back from walking Ken was already painting the kitchen and finished the first coat without any help from me. He said he didn't mind which made me happy because I really didn't feel like painting again so soon after the bathroom painting!! Oh what a difference!! I love the blue we picked out. He will give it a second coat this evening. Yes, there will be pictures. : )The whole house is such a mess. Things from the kitchen are in every room. I feel like we are moving all over again. But it will be so worth it come Friday. I've been washing the few dishes in the bathroom sink. We ate with plastic forks and spoons on paper plates. We will be going out to eat again tonight. Last night we went to Brenda's. It sounds good to go out and eat again but I'm looking forward to cooking a nice meal at home!!
After lunch we went up to Happy Trails for a little while. Ken had some work to do and some things to bring back to the house. While he did that I just walked around a bit enjoying the fall weather.
This is the inside of the upper shed which is now the wood shop.
Ken is going to put some of the old kitchen counters in the wood shop. Might as well get some good use out of them instead of throwing them in the land fill.
I saw this caterpillar in the water at HT having a hard time trying to get out so I gave him a little help. He looks a bit water logged but he did crawl away. I have seen quite a few of these guys around and did a little research and found out that it is a Hickory Tussock Moth
Now it is nearing supper time and I'm not sure where we are going but we'd better decide soon because I'm getting hungry!
Hope you smiled often today.
happyone : )
I loved autumn, the one season of the year that
God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it.
~ Lee Maynard
Beautiful sunrise. OK, I see that the skies are clear and nice, so I can surmise that either (1) you went somewhere else to take those photos or (2) it sometimes does not rain in western Maryland. Which is it? ;^)
Things are really coming along. Ken is pretty handy with those tools. Looking good. Art
Autumn scenes change so quickly, too. I see that you're getting a lot of color! Yay for Ken painting the kitchen. What a blessing! Hope that you had an amazing supper!
The photos are all great. Ken has a very nice workshop now.
Hey, what a great looking wood shop!
Autumn is beautiful and that is one of the most beautiful sunrise pictures I have ever seen! So sweet of you to help the little caterpillar. I never (well hardly ever) kill bug. If I find them in the house, I take them outside. The two exceptions are ants in the house (and we had a plague of ants in the kitchen this summer - could not get rid of them!) and scorpions. I cannot abide scorpions after I was stung by one when we first moved to Arizona. Very, very painful! Can't wait to see the pictures of the kitchen! Have a wonderful evening.!
I am so glad you are blogging again!
Blessings from Alabama!
I think you're about a week ahead of us as far as the autumn colors go. I think our peak here will be late next week :)
Wow! I am so happy. Just thot I'd check this morning and here u r!!
I've missed u. So glad to have u back.
Oh those trees...... fantastic! and so glad you helped the little caterpillar :)
We're a few weeks behind you in the fall colors. I'll get to see the display twice! That was so thoughtful of Ken to paint. He's a great husband. I can't wait to see the color, and the finished countertops.
What an amazing sunrise! Wow! That's like some I see when we're out in Arizona. :-)
Pretty photo looking down the country lane. I love the orange colored leaves on the tree.
Love the quote.
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