Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A beautiful day : )

It was down in the 30's last night but by the time I was up and out walking it was 40 degrees.  It was nice and clear out and no wind, one of those nice crisp fall mornings.  The BEST kind of walking morning. There was some light frost around in places.
I walked the farm loop.  At one of the farms all the cows and bulls are black and then there is this one white one.  I took the picture when he stopped to take a look at me.
Seemed to be more than the usual number of crows around and they were making quite a racket.

When I got back to town I walked around the cemeteries.
I saw Lisa running in the distance but she was too far away to say hi to. 

I walked 6.2 miles - 12,140 steps.
Sunrise 7:07
Sunset 7:11
Ken got most of the upper shed sided yesterday and went back today to finish up.  I stayed home again.  Such a nice day and I wanted to get the laundry done.  Without a dryer,  every sunny day, I like to take advantage of the good drying day. : )  By mid afternoon the temperature had to up to 70.  What a beautiful blue sky today with no clouds to be seen.
 I waited until the grass was good and dry and then I went out and mowed the lawn.  I can't believe how I have learned to maneuver that lawn mower around.  I go around trees and flower beds like an old pro.  I think back to that first time and can't help laughing!! 

After the mowing was done I sat out on the front porch and ate an apple.  Back inside to do a few chores around the house and then I went back out on the porch and did some reading.

The other day I had only one banana that turned brown.   Not enough to make banana bread so when I made pancakes.  I smashed it up and added it to the pancake batter and we had banana pancakes.  They were really good.  That's another good way to use up old bananas. 

I feel blessed to be enjoying this beautiful day and hope you are too.  
happyone : )
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
they are the charming gardeners
who make our souls blossom.
~Marcel Proust
Comment replies:
Vee - Yes, we are definitely in a different weather zone.  We are 3 hours west and up in the mountains from where we lived before.  We should get a good amount of snow here too.  It is usually 10 degrees cooler here.  Last year we are told that over 200 inches of snow fell here.  We've heard all kinds of snow stories and are looking forward to seeing for ourselves what a winter will be like! : )  I think people like to exaggerate the snow fall a bit here.  We shall see.  I may have to eat my words. : )


Kerri Farley said...

LOVE that MOO!
Wow - frost already! Brrrr!

Vee said...

Frost? Good heavens! You're farther north than I am! It will be interesting to watch the year unfold.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Your cooler weather sounds very nice! I wonder when you will start to get snow? Banana pancakes - what a great use for an old, brown banana - delicious and healthy. Have a great evening and I'll see you tomorrow!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh wow light frost already!! I can't wait for that here :) actually I can't want for SNOW!!

Nellie said...

We have had no hint of frost around here. Eating your words might not be such a bad thing - especially if it involves Snow Cream!:-)

o2bhiking said...

It was a drop-dead gorgeous day here as well, just not quite as cool. I ate lunch outside, looking at the cloudless blue sky and dreamed of being out hiking somewhere! Art

Anonymous said...

Great picture of the frost. I don't think we've actually had frost yet, but the weather is cooler. We're enjoying being able to open our windows. Mary Jo

Retired Knitter said...

I love snow and winter. I should be living up there. Too bad I can't convince the rest of my family to make a move like that.