I walked around the lake and walked down closer to the water a few times. There were the usual amount of people around. I was surprised not to see more new people. Usually at the beginning of the new year there are a lot of them at first but soon after most fade away and I don't see them again. Probably people making resolutions to walk more but they don't last.
A very quiet walk this morning, nothing out of the ordinary, but still what a joy it is to be out there walking.
I took 12,835 steps on my walk.
Sunrise 7:27
Sunset 4:56
My friend Mary Jo and I made plans to go out for lunch today and I told her I'd pick her up around 12:00. I first had to make a stop at the credit union and when I picked her up she asked if we could stop off at her bank before lunch. I said yes of course, and the funny thing was that her bank is the same as mine!! We went to Applebee's for lunch and both of us ordered the same thing - a small cup of soup and a half sandwich. At first we both said no to dessert but for only $1 you could get a mini dessert so we both got dessert too. One scoop of vanilla ice cream with a tiny triangle of brownie with chocolate syrup. It was so good. We didn't even feel bad about eating it because it was just a little dessert. : )
After dropping Mary Jo back home I stopped at the library - she lives only a few blocks away!! I returned two books and got out two more. A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness and The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. I'm pretty sure that you recommended these AuntieA.
Even though I won't have to iron Ken's shirts for much longer there is still this month to get through so when I got home I got 7 of his shirts ironed. Since I no longer have my ironing room, I ironed them in the living room like I used to do watching a couple of the British afternoon comedies.
So that's been my day so far. It's been a good day, lunch with a friend, new books to read, and a little work done. And I'm sure there will be a few more happy times before the day has ended. : )
Hope you are happy today.
If you want to be happy, be.
~Leo Tolstoy
Comment reply:AuntieA - paint color is a light lavender with a crazy name of Vintage Violet Devotion. I always wonder how they come up with these names!! : )
Sounds like a good day! Much like mine, as I had a little time at the fitness center before meeting some friends for lunch at the Olive Garden. I was able to read some of my book while I was on the recumbent bike!
I think someone earns good money determining names for paint colors! I'd like that job!:-)
Sounds like a very nice day.
I am familiar with those little desserts. They are just enough to be satisfying without being too filling.
Will you miss ironing Ken's shirts after all these years?
Lunch with a friend always equals a good day! I like Appleby's too, although I haven't been for a while. You reminded me that I need to get some more shirts ironed for my husband this week before he goes back to work on Monday! Enjoy the rest of your evening!
Oh it sounds like a really good day!
It sounds as if it was a totally relaxed kind of day. I am grinning at this shirt ironing countdown. ☺
I read A Discovery of Witches and enjoyed it very much. Hope you do. There is a second book in this series and I believe she is working on a third book.
A delightful day!!!
Yes, I read both of those books. And you know that I love, love, love, love, love books by Susanna Kearsley. :-)
Paint color...Vintage Violet Devotion. WooT! Thank you! Yes, they must spend much time, trying to think up NEW names for paints, of all kinds. -grin-
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