I happened to look up and saw a half morning moon in a blue and pink sky.
I walked one of my connect the path routes. They have been replacing the old rotting wood on one of the footbridges a little at a time and today I walked over the finished project . It smells good of new wood. : )I came across a few other people walking along the paths. I was chatting with a man I see often walking his dogs and a fox ran by. I'm surprised it got so near to us with two dogs there. He didn't stay long and before I could get my camera pointed at him the fox was gone. Don't see a fox very often and its a treat to see one.
The paths will be closed a couple of days in the late afternoon and into the evening for some hours in the next week. It's that time of year when they have controlled hunting of the deer. They call it deer management. I know there are lots of deer and something needs to be done but still I hate to think of the deer I see every day being killed.
I found a lucky penny.
12,086 steps on todays walk.
Sunrise 7:13
Sunset 4:44
This morning I hung the sheets up out on the line to dry. They smell especially good on a cold sunny day!!I sat down and played around with my new cell phone. That same phone I loved yesterday, I HATE today!!! I've wasted hours trying to figure it out. I've made a little progress but just had to put it down and do something else before I threw it in the trash can. It is so sensitive and I keep touching things and making it do things that I don't want it to do. Trying to set up voice mail, the computer lady told me, "I can see you are having problems, try again later. Good bye." and hung up. I know I'll get the hang of it eventually and learn to like it but.......
Then I thought I'd have some fun and make some Christmas cookies. First thing I did was to spill a good bit of the 5 pound bag of flour all over the place. Okay my day wasn't going so great and I had to get a better frame of mind. I went and sat down and read my daily devotions. Came back to the kitchen with a much better outlook.
I continued to make the cookies and things have gone smoothly since. : )
Made just some simple rolled out sugar cookies and sprinkled them with red and green sugar.
I enjoyed making them but I remember making them with the kids when they were young and how much fun we had then. It was a happy sad memory.
I have to clean up the kitchen and do a few other things around the house. Then I hope to sit and do a little knitting.
Hope your day is sunny and bright.
Happyone : )
Somehow not only for Christmas,
but all the long year through,
the joy that you give to others
is the joy that comes back to you.
~ E.B. White
Cold morning walks are the best aren't they? Something about the brisk air invigorates!
Oh what a beautiful shot with that moon!!
And your cookies look yummy!! I remember making cookies with my Mom - What Fun!
A beautiful photo and a great quote.
I am glad your day got better!
I like that quote, but I don't think E.B. wrote it. I'll have to check. Okay, my research says that John Greenleaf Whittier wrote it. Sounds more like him than E.B. White, but who knows?
So much of life is bittersweet isn't it? I hope that it doesn't mean that the cookies will taste any different. They look yummy and I'm ready for my afternoon tea.
Now whisper as you go along your walk of the coming "management" and perhaps the deer will hear you and make themselves scarce.
Sounds like you have had a frustrating day. Been there, done that. I so understand your memories of the cookies. I have memories like that all the time, bittersweet. With all the good and bad, I still thank God for the blessing of being a mom! Hope you get your phone figured out. I bought my son a digital watch and worked with it for hours trying to figure out how to set it and finally gave up and took it back. Hope you have better luck with your phone.
I love that you found a way to change the course of events in your day to make it a more pleasant time. Really love the pink and blue sky and half-moon.
enjoyed walking with you through your words and photos as always..I hate the thought of deer being killed too and yes I would love to have seen the fox in the photo...smiling as I read the part about the phone...the hubby has the same complaints with a phone he bought that he ended up giving it to our son :) those star shaped cookies look yummy! I breathe out a sigh thinking of my own kids grow up and leave our home...the red and green sugar look lovely! may your days be filled with all the love in the world...passing by to grab a smile and leaving with a huge one :D
After an 'interesting' start (ha), I'm glad your day turned out much better... That's why we do our devotions the first thing every morning....
The cookies look great.... Sorry about the phone though --but you will figure it out... I hate the phone we now have and we have a 2 yr. agreement to keep it. Should never have gotten it--but I feel kinda stuck now, unless we pay big bucks to get out of it... Grrrrrr.
1. Lovely picture...
2. Interesting perspective pic...
Sad but true, deer have to be culled. -sigh-
Oh oh! Phone set up troubles. And spilling sugar troubles. -moan-
This time of year IS the darkest. Until the Solstice and it goes the "other way"... And I have been observing a lot of unpleasant, all the way to down-right-horrible things happening, here and there. And I heard-tell of Crisis Energy at this darkest time of the year.
I'm not yet sure I'm *sold* on it yet but... It's an interesting concept...
As if your pumpkin cookies didn't make me hungry enough!
That is a great picture of the sky.
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