We got to Happy Trails about 9:30. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground and 38 degrees. It was a bright sunny day and it soon warmed up to 50 degrees. I took a little walk around on our land.
This is the corner marker for our property. I'd like to put a little bench there one day.
There was a little water this time running in the little stream that I'm making the walking trail along and it was so nice to hear the water flowing over the rocks down the little mini falls.
Ken put the corner pieces and the J channel on the bump out on the tractor shed but we didn't put the siding up. Ken spent most of the day clearing out more land where we hope to build the cabin. I worked on the walking trail.
The weather was beautiful and we love being up here!! So quiet and peaceful.
After working we got cleaned up and headed out for supper to Brenda's for pizza. A great way to end a working day.
I knitted Jessica (my favorite server at Brenda's) a scarf and gave it to her today. I told her I knitted it for her just because she is so nice and always has a smile. She was surprised and seemed really happy that I made it for her. She thanked me gave me a hug. : )
Here we sit at good old MacDonald's using their free Internet. We will head back to the trailer in just a bit, watch a little television and eat some Oreo cookies.
It's been a fun day.
Hope you enjoyed your day too.
Happyone : )
AH----I was hoping you would have a little waterfall there.... That is AWESOME.
A little piece of heaven, I say.
This sounds like a very productive day! Good to end it with pizza and oreos.:-)
Oh, what a peaceful place! I'm envious!
I'm smiling just thinking of you two enjoying your dream.
It all looks so peaceful there!
Nice photos!
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