It was a nice quiet walk in the rain and I saw a few deer along the way. I walked one of my connect the path routes. Only saw two other people out walking their dogs.
Walked 6.4 miles.
I found a lucky penny. I'm looking forward to counting up the coins I've found along my walks at the end of the month. Seems like I've found a lot of them this month. When I get back from walking I put any coins I've found in this little bank I keep by the door.
At the end of each month, I transfer the coins from there to old glass banks that I've found at antique stores.
Sunrise 7:05
Sunset 4:46
Didn't go to my Tuesday knitting group today. I planned on going but it was such a dreary day that I just felt being home where it's nice and warm and cozy.I made myself a pancake for breakfast and did a little reading.
I usually wait until December to put Christmas decorations out but I got in the Christmas mood and started today. : )
Sometimes we get a real tree but using the fake one this year - its just a small one but always looks nice decorated. I put it together and put lots of red lights only on it. I've decided this year to decorate it with red lights, red bows and tinsel. I've put some red bows on it already but have to buy more. I'll wait and put the tinsel on after all the bows are on it. Then I'll take a picture. Oh and I also hung a few white crocheted snowflakes that a friend made for me years ago on the tree.
And I've put the nativity scene out under the tree.
I've put out a few Christmas things here and there and hung some lights around the house. I still have a few more things to do but I feel like I got a good start today. I don't put a lot of stuff all over the place but it does look festive.
Since I didn't go to knitting this morning I think its time for a little knitting this afternoon.
A happy day to you.
Happyone : )
There has only been one Christmas,
the rest are anniversaries.
~ W.J. Cameron
This makes me look forward to Christmas!!
Nice Nativity! I will probably put up my tree this weekend.
It's cold and drizzly here too today.. I too am decorating. AND--I'm cleaning as I go --which takes me longer since I haven't cleaned the Great Room lately...
Bet your red tree will be gorgeous. We have a 'fake' tree also--which has the lights already on it. We love it!!!
You are ahead of me, with decorating. We got the decorations down, from upstairs and went shopping for more faerie lights. But! Stopped.
Must-get-going! :-)
Oh your tree sounds so pretty with all red! I haven't decorated yet but hope to very soon. I too go back and forth trying to decide real or fake each year and most years the fake wins out. It is just so much easier and doesn't take up so much room.
Have a good day!
Good progress with the decorating!
I was sorry to hear about the "no sale" of the house, but the demands were a bit unreasonable! Sounds like the prospective buyer needs to look for something a little different to me.
Enjoy your afternoon knitting!
It's gray here today. As long as it's gotta be gray I wish it would just rain as we need it badly.
Your Christmas tree sounds very pretty and the nativity looks nice.
I look forward to seeing the finished tree.
I've been decorating today too... and last Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I'm trying to simplify my Christmas decor, but I'm afraid it's a losing battle. LOL.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
All this weather south of us made our day a bit gray, but mild. We enjoyed being out and about in it.
You're already ahead of me. I have a tree up with only a teddy bear in it. Suppose I should do more?
Your day sounds so nice and cozy! I love your nativity. We are downsizing and simplifying our Christmas a small tree which is on a table in the living room. We also got new ornaments...I do miss our traditional decorations that we have had for years, but we didn't want to spend days carting boxes in the house and digging out decorations this year since hubby is taking online classes and has limited time. I have a wonderful big nativity that has lots of pieces that I inherited from my mom, but this year, I would like a simple little one like yours. I looked at Walmart last night, but the ones they had there were simply ghastly, so I will keep looking. Have a great day. Stay warm!
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