I saw two deer on the path that leads to the lake and also a fox.
As can be expected on a cold morning not many people out but those of us who were, got to see the sun put a pink glow on the world if only for a few minutes.
I seem to really like these cold mornings because I didn't feel like going home and walked a little bit farther than usual. The cold weather seems to energize me. Funny because I don't really like cold weather the rest of the day.
I found a nickel.
Walked 7.9 miles.
Sunrise 7:07
Sunset 4:45
We did go out yesterday to get more red bows for the Christmas tree. I then put them on the tree and got the tinsel up too, though you really can't see the tinsel all that well. I think it turned out pretty. This is a first for me. I usually put all the ornaments on that we have collected over the years. Just wanted to do something different.Took this last night |
Took this one this morning |
Here's a few close ups of some of them.
The year I started blogging |
A happy day to you.
It came without ribbons!
It came without tags!
It came without packages,
or bags!
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!
Maybe Christmas, he thought
doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas....
means a little bit more!
~ Dr Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Comment replies:Kim - I use Egg Beaters in place of real eggs all the time. The only time I use real eggs is if a recipe calls for eggs to be separated and you have to beat the egg whites like in the cheese cake.
OH I LOVE LOVE LOVE Your tree! and I LOVE Ken's tradition of writing on the balls - that is an EXCELLENT idea!!
How special to have those red balls from all the Christmases in the past! I like the red bows on the tree.
Love your whole post, including all the pics. But I especially love, love, love the look of your tree this year.
And your black and white Toile curtains make a perfect back-drop for the red. Soooo prettttty.
And a great new header pic here! :-)
Oh I really like that red ball ornament idea of Ken's. I hope that you have them written down as a record, too. I'm sure I said the same thing last year. Brilliant pink sky...what a corker. Have fun up at Happy Trails!
And I love the tree with the black toile backdrop, too! (I'm not getting out all the ornaments this year either. No way!)
I love your new picture header. I am getting board with my blog look and will probably make a change in the new year.
And I just love the red ball tradition. Just so special.
I love the tree and I LOVE the quote from 'The Grinch'!
I love how your tree turned out. It really pops with the background of your pretty black and white toile curtains.
I remember Ken's red ornaments from last year. That is such a fun tradition. I wonder what he'll think of this year? You will share, won't you? (hint hint).
Thanks so much for answering my question. I am going to start using the Egg Beaters more often now.
Enjoy your trip to Happy Trails.
Your Christmas tree is beautiful, just lovely. The pink glow of the sun this morning is wonderful. I'm so glad you took the photo.
Have a great time together at Happy Trails. MJ
I love your tree...very similar to mine. I'll be posting pictures soon. I really, really love that idea of your red balls with events from your lives. What a wonderful idea! We have purchased Hallmark and other collectable ornaments over the years...this year we downsized...smaller tree...new and fewer ornaments...few decorations over all. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. We are still in the 80s here...23 degrees sounds brink and invigorating!
LOVE your red Christmas Tree--and the bows... Gorgeous!!!!!!
AND---I love your yearly ornaments.. That is so romantic and so special. You have a wonderful day of displaying it.
Great header!!!
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