Up at the trailer a small tree had come down on the trailer. Thankfully it was small and the branches were the only thing that hit it so there was no damage.
Ken climbed up on the roof and cut all the branches off and now it's as good as new.
We spent the whole time at Happy Trails clearing branches and trees off the trails that we had already made so we didn't get to do anymore of the siding on the tractor barn.
We did clear a little more down one of our trails.
Here is Ken having a bit of fun on his tractor. His sweat shirt matches perfectly with the tractor.
Monday morning I went for my morning walk but didn't walk into town this time. Before getting to the main road I turned right and walked up past a couple of farms. The two horses I've seen before must be getting to know me because both of them ran across the field and up the hill to see me. I got this close to them and took their picture. I think next time I'll see if they will let me pet them.A little farther on at the other farm these bulls were up close to the fence when I walked by so I took their picture too. I don't think I'll try to pet them next time though!!
I walked down the long hill and walked along the river where I could see trees and branches that had fallen in the water.
Then it was on to the main road where I turned right and walked up the long long hill and then back up the hill to Happy Tails.
I only walked 5.5 miles but more than half of it was up HILLS.
It was a nice morning with temperatures in the 50's. Later in the day it was in the low 60's which made for good working weather.
We left for home yesterday late afternoon and look forward to going back again real soon.
I saw the heron standing at the waters edge, counted four deer in the woods, and saw and heard many, many geese. One other walker and a runner were the only people I saw.
I walked 6.4 miles.
Sunrise 6:49
Sunset 4:54
This morning getting ready for knitting I heard what sounded like hail hitting the window and sure enough there was hail mixed in with the rain. It was still hailing when I left but soon stopped, then the rain stopped and it was cloudy. By the time I left knitting the sun was shining.A small knitting group today - only 7 of us. I am working on a simple scarf for a friend.
Left knitting and stopped at the library to return a book I just finished, The Last Time I Saw You. Another one by Elizabeth Berg and another great book. This one is about people going to a 40 year class reunion. I was very good and didn't get any more books out. Still have a couple at home I'm reading and have 2 more on the request list.
I made a batch of brownies this afternoon. I go to get my hair done again tomorrow (hard to believe 6 weeks are up already) and I told Cheryl I'd bring brownies this time instead of the chocolate chip cookies.
I have the recipe in my on line cookbook at Meals Matter and have been told that come January 13 Meals Matter is expiring so I'll be moving all the recipes over to Zip List. I've put the first recipe over there today with this Brownie Recipe.
So I have another project to do - get all my recipes moved over.
I'll end this post with some good news.
We have a contract on the old house we have For Sale. So unless something goes wrong in the details the house is SOLD!!!! : )
Hope all is well with you, my friends.
A happy day to you.
Our way is not soft grass,
it's a mountain path with lots of rocks.
But it goes upward, forward, toward the sun.
~Ruth Westheimer
Whew, that was a close call with that tree falling on your trailer. Glad to hear that there was no damage.
Great pictures of the animals you saw on your walk. The horses look friendly.
I've been alternating my afternoon between reading an E. Berg book and cross stitching.
Gosh those brownies sound yummy. I'm sure Cheryl will be thrilled to see you walk in the door :).
Congratulations on your GOOD news. That is exciting.
Hurray about the house!!!
Glad the trees didn't do any damage!
Wonderful to see how the Lord protected the property. Yay! Selling the house is such good news!
Sorry about all the trees down and the work, to clean them up.
But Whoooooo Hoooo! About the house!
Super-duper!!! :-)
Glad to hear that your house has sold! That must be a relief! Looks like you got a lot done at Happy Trails! Enjoy your week and stay warm.
Glad you did not have damage and Yay on the house being sold! Wow, that did not take very long! Love ya, Pam
Glad you had no more damage at Happy Trails, Karen. You were lucky since that storm was pretty rough... They also had alot of snow up there too --didn't they????
Amazing how different the area looks like without leaves on the trees....
Have a great Wed.
Glad all was mostly fine at Happy Trails. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!
Lots of good news in this post! What a relief it must have been to discover no damage from the small tree falling on the trailer. Also, it is very good news to have a contract on your house! Wish I could be around to enjoy those brownies!
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