Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, September 22, 2012

A day at Happy Trails

We ended up having great weather for our day at Happy Trails.  Rain woke us up during the night but it only rained for TWO minutes and then it got windy.  By the time morning arrived the wind dried things out and we just had a day in the 60's with a mixture of sun and clouds.  Perfect weather for us.

I started the day out with a walk as usual.  In this picture I've just walked around one of the cemeteries and this road takes me back to the main road in town.
Still some flowers blooming around town and here's a splash of color in a garden.
 I have a good route down now.  Walking down the hill and then into town.  Around the two cemeteries, back to the main road, over to the fire house and then around the base ball field on a paved track.  Along the street a block from the main road.  Back to the main road and then head back toward home.  Ken usually picks me up so I can walk farther without having to turn around and back track.  He gives me an hour and a half to walk before he comes and gets me. 
I walked 6 miles.

Nothing major got done because we are waiting for the siding  we ordered to get here, but we cleaned the place up around the tractor barn.  Ken did some final touches here to the back.  Now it's all ready for when the siding arrives.  In order to reach the peak with the ladder he had to put it in the front loader of the tractor.  It is tied from both sides so he's safe up there, though very high up.
We cleared some more of the trail we're making behind the building and just enjoyed being at Happy Trails. : )

We left a little after 5 to come back home.

Tomorrow at 2 we meet the realtor at the old house.  Hopefully this time it will really happen!!

Hope you enjoyed your day.
Pleasant dreams. : )


Nellie said...

Ken is really up high in that picture! He really has to know what he is doing. I'd be terrified!

You are doing such a good job with your walking.

I send along good wishes for you with the realtor tomorrow.

Keep smiling! You spread such happiness!

Vee said...

Yup. That's high up. I might need a muffin just looking at him up there. *quiver*

Such beautiful rural country there and I'm glad that there are some lovely gardens for you to enjoy, too.

All fingers crossed for the realtor appt tomorrow.

Kerri Farley said...

Yikes! Ken scares me being up that high.....I have a bit of a fear of ladders. But I'm sure he is safe :) Hoping all goes well with the Realtor today!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Whoooopsies....... That's some high-up-ness there! Whoopsies...

Best of luck with the old house selling.


Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I don't think I could have watched him that high up! Scary! Guess a man's got to do what a man's got to do! ha! You are making a LOT of progress!

Happy@Home said...

Looks like a lovely walk and that spot of color is so pretty.
Yikes, Ken is up high. I feel a bit woozy just looking at him up there :).