Here is Ken waving hi up on the roof.
It was very slow going because it was so slippery up there and it is a 45 degree angle and quite steep. He has safety ropes but still it is just so high. He only made it half way up on one side. Ken has decided this way just isn't working so great so he is going to come up with some other way to do the shingles. He will build some kind of scaffolding which will take a bit of time so the progress will be slowed down for a while. Just to clear up some questions a few of you have had. This is NOT our cabin but just the tractor barn. The room on the second floor is a storage room and we planned on sleeping there while we build the cabin. It will not have Heat or AC because it is just shed. There will not be much on the inside, just a big empty space. The second floor will have two windows but that hole is not a window. That is just there for now because it makes things easier moving materials out there. Hope that clears things up a bit.
We thought that we would be able to get the room done quicker so we could sleep there in comfort but it AIN'T GONNA happen. There is just way too many bugs and I got quite a few bites. I think they are mosquito bites and boy do they itch. I must have at least a dozen bites. Anyway we are seriously thinking about buying a travel trailer and leaving it up there for our 'cabin' while we work. We will be able to sleep in a bed and take a shower each night. Then once the cabin is done we can sell it in a couple or three years. It will take the pressure off of getting things done quickly and we can have some more time to do things other than work.
Too bad all the RV dealers were closed because of the holiday so we couldn't start shopping around.
We left for home and as soon as we got done the mountain down came the rain and we drove home in a thunder and lightening storm with torrential rains. I took this picture out of the windshield.
We saw some fantastic lightening shows!!! Like watching fire works.
It was wonderful getting home. The rain stopped, I took a wonderful shower and washed my hair two times and slept the whole night in a bed and didn't get bit once. Oh it was heaven!! : )
I got up my usual time and took a walk. It was a hot sticky morning. Forgot to look at the thermometer so don't know what the temperature was. There were lots of people out, mostly runners. On one of the paths they put a pipe in under the path because the water was washing it away. I looked off to one side and there was a deer standing there looking at me. So of course I had to take his picture.
I took a shortened route and only walked 5 miles. I wanted to get home because Ken was home and I made us waffles for breakfast.
We've been out all day and just got home a little bit ago and now is it time for supper. We are making nachos! : )
Still haven't gotten around to visiting blogs and I'm so far behind! Just been too busy. I might get some time tonight but will certainly be around tomorrow.
Hope you had a great day.
You two will get this job done, one way or another. I like the idea of taking the pressure off by getting a travel trailer. Your pictures are very clear. Love the deer.
Wow so this is just the tractor barn, and I first thought it was the cabin. Your Ken is very clever with building :)
Wow, another adventure and pictures with the travel trailer. Can't wait.
That is risky business putting those shingles on the roof!
I am not much for "roughing it." I do very well in a Comfort Inn.:)
I will be interested in seeing your progress with the building.
It still amazes me how much you have gotten done on this!! A travel trailer sounds like a good idea!!
Hi Karen, I knew it wasn't your 'cabin'---but I had just been calling it that!!!! Great idea on getting an RV ---since this work is going to take longer than you thought... No need to sleep with the skeeters... Yuk!!!!
Hope you have had a great Memorial Day and weekend. We certainly have.. George grilled us some steaks tonight...YUM.
I would be so scared up on that roof! Glad you made it home safely. Nachos sound really good.
Though I've been talking about your using that "room," I have known that it was your garage. Oh I hope that you can find a little camper on wheels so that you can better enjoy your time there. It's no fun to be hot and sticky with no comfortable place to sleep. I am eaten alive from being outside all day yesterday so you have my total sympathies on bug bites. Itch? I'll say!
I was going to suggest an rv of some sort, but decided that would be a little presumptuous for a blog-friend, hehe
This is an amazingly huge project you've undertaken. Kudos to you both!
I think getting an RV is a really great idea. Some of the comforts of home and a place to rest. Your work is coming along great.
I'm very impressed with your husband's carpentry skills! We've learned over the years it usually takes about 3 times longer than what you plan when doing these kind of projects. I think a travel trailer will be a good idea. We love our new Puma and the heat and a.c. make it very comfortable!
OH YES! Get that travel trailer or whatever it's called!!!! Gracious yes!!!!!!!
Glad that Ken realizes when something isn't working... And will make other plans, for how to do it. NOT wait for one of you, to take an unnecessary fall. Wise!!!!!!!!!!!
"Summer set lip to earth's bosom bare,
And left the flushed print in a poppy there."
~Francis Thompson
wow Ken
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