I walked around the lake again staying on the paved paths to trying to avoid the mosquitoes. All my bites from the weekend have stopped itching and are starting to go away. : )
There were quite a few people out considering the weather. Mostly runners.
I saw the geese family again. This time they were all scattered around on the grass. I counted at least 8 rabbits and spotted a few deer around.
I got all the way home and realized I never did take any pictures!!
I walked 6 miles.
A few of you mentioned how much you like the salad and breads sticks at Olive Garden. I do too and that is what we had for lunch yesterday. We had the soup, salad and bread stick lunch special. It's an all you can eat but I never eat more than one serving anyway.
Good news about the travel trailer! We bought one!! It is a left over from 2011 so we got a real good deal on it. The best thing about it for me is that the bathroom is really a good size and the shower looks great. We are both so excited about having it and it will make nights so much better on our land.I didn't take any pictures but will on Friday when we go back after they clean it all up and they show us how everything works.
What is really nice is that for a very reasonable price they will deliver it right to our land so we don't even have to tow it up there!!
May 30 is the REAL Memorial Day. I know because I was born on the holiday and today is my birthday. I don't know why people make such a big deal about age so I'll tell you that I'm 61 today. I certainly don't feel like it and really do feel half my age. Ken made me a birthday cake yesterday and we will eat a piece of it tonight for our snack. It has been HARD looking at it in the refrigerator during the day and not being able to eat it.It is a four layer chocolate fudge cake. Two layers have raspberry jam between them and one has chocolate pudding and it is all covered with real whipped cream icing. Ken has made this same cake for me a lot of years and it is delicious. I'll take another picture tonight of a slice so you can see the inside too.
This morning when I was upstairs my doorbell rang which doesn't happen very often. It was a very pleasant surprise to find a delivery person standing there with flowers for me. It was a beautiful arrangement of flowers made to look like a birthday cake with candles and all. It was a gift from my daughter Debbi. : ) If you are reading this Debbi, Thank you so very much. I love you. : )
Two cakes for me. One to eat and one to look at. I can have my cake and eat it too. : )
I made some chocolate chip cookies this morning. I had a hair appointment today at 12:30 and I always bring a batch of cookies for everyone. I had a dye and a trim today and left having a great hair day. I had my hair washed by Meagan again. I'm always glad when she is working on my hair days because she is really the best hair washer ever. My hair dresser is also my friend Cheryl and it was nice catching up with her again. As most of you know by now I met her through blogging.
Meagan told me that her grandmother reads my blog but I don't know her because she never comments and she doesn't have a blog. So if your reading this Meagan's grandmother, hello to you. : )
When I got home I had a call from my son David wishing me a happy birthday and we had a nice talk.
I'm looking forward to Ken coming home from work today. We will be going out to eat tonight to Red Lobster and I'm already hungry.
A happy day to you!
Little things in life
are often the most precious.
Even just a friendly smile
can warm our hearts and bless us.
So even in the little things
That is there throughout the day
Can bring us much happiness
And blessings along the way.
I love both cakes, but must confess the fudge one has won my heart!!
Happy Birthday, Karen. Did you know you are 10 days older than I???? :)
Happy birthday to you ! and I am happy for you finding the travel trailer.
I can not believe you are 61, you look so young for your age. Your hubby is not only clever with building, he can make cakes as well - it looks very good, and the flower cake is very cute :)
This post made me smile. Wishing you a happy day.
Happy Birthday!!! The cake looks scrumptious as does the flower cake. I have never seen one of them before.
Have a wonderful day!
You bought the travel trailer! That's some birthday present! It does sound as if you are having a great day and dinner at Red Lobster will top it off perfectly.
The cake Debbi sent you is beautiful. And David called. Lovely family you have.
Happy Birthday dear HappyOne. 61 ~ no way!! I'd never have guessed. Your walking must keep you young.
Hooray for finding a trailer. Ken's cake looks and sounds scrumptious and the flower cake is so pretty.
Enjoy your dinner and the cake too.
Happy birthday dear blog friend.
When I saw the photo of the second cake, I thought it was a fabulously decorated actual cake, then read that it is a floral arrangement. Wow.
And the chocolate cake with all those layers sounds scrumptious; how talented Ken is.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear friend!
Happy Birthday, to you!
You have to imagine the music! :-)
Retired Knitter
You are making 61 look absolutely great. I'm making a much, much, much younger age look very bad. ROFL! I hope that you know I am teasing! I'm cranky, but not THAT bad.
Yay for a new camper! A really new one, too. That's great. What a wonderful birthday present.
Happy, happy birthday to you!
The Red Lobster is one of our favorite places to go!
How neat that you get to have your cake and eat it, too.:)
Exciting to have that travel trailer at a good price!
Enjoy everything about this day!
Happy Birthday! I will have another one coming up soon too but I'm ahead of you by about 3 years.
Glad to hear you found a trailer - I think you will really enjoy it.
You'll have to post pics when you get it.
Happy Birthday, Karen. Looks like you had a great day... Nice of your sweet hubby to make you a cake... YUM.. And that flower cake is awesome.
Congrats on finding a good RV at a great price.... That will make being on your land much more tolerable.
Happy Birthday AGAIN.
Happy Birthday Karen! I hope you had a fabulous birthday as I know you did....you are an awesome person! love you, Pam
Happy Birthday my friend!!! LOVE your two cakes :)
Can't wait to see the trailer!
Oh Dear One! I missed your actual Birthday!!!
But belated Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Wishes to you!
May you have *batches-and-loads* more Birthdays, in your life. And enjoy each of them. With that delicious cake which Ken makes for you (I remember the cake.) And lovely remembrances of your special Day, by your children.
Lots and lots of hugs...
"To read a writer
is for me
not merely to get an idea of what he says,
but to go off with him
and travel in his company."
~~Andre Gide
Oppps, forgot the travel trailer! I am so happy for you, all round, for/with that!!!!! :-))))
"To read a writer
is for me
not merely to get an idea of what he says,
but to go off with him
and travel in his company."
~~Andre Gide
Happy Birthday Karen - I am so sorry to be a day late with my greetings. You sure look a very young 61. The birthday cake looks delicious and what a beautiful flower arrangement from your daughter. I hope you enjoyed your day.
A belated Happy Birthday, Karen. Your daughter's flower surprise is beautiful. You certainly got your cake and ate it too. I know it was delicious.
More belated birthday greetings. I hope you had a wonderful day. Your cakes both looked wonderful, enjoy!
I feel so bad that I didn't remember your birthday. That won't happen again! I'm so glad you're my friend.
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