Yesterday morning I was on the deck hanging out a load of laundry when I hear someone say, "Good Morning." Didn't see anyone at first and just though it was someone across the street talking when I hear it again. I think, that sounds like David. I looked around my clothes and sure enough there was my son walking up the street. : ) He knows I walk around the lake and was over there running around the lake looking for me. He stopped by for a visit and stayed a couple of hours. He's taking his vacation now and looking up old friends in the area before flying out to Denver to visit Debbi this week for her birthday. So nice spending some time with David. Just like old times when he lived near and would pop in to see me.
I made it to my knitting group on time this morning because I had all that extra time in the morning. I never did count how many of us were there but the table was packed full. I started knitting a place mat. I'll make a couple and give them as gifts to someone.
From there I stopped at the library again. Returned some books and checked out one that I had on hold. There were other books I wanted to check out but knew I'd not have time to read them yet so used restraint and told myself NO.
So that's what I've been doing today.
Hope you are enjoying your day.
Patience is the ability to count down
before you blast off.
~Author Unknown
I'm glad you are using wisdom and restraint.
What an excellent time for David to pop in to see you! What a blessing!
Mary Jo
Agree with Mary Jo, above! Please continue to use wisdom and restraint. No way do you want to push it, too soon. If you have a limp, it hurts, and is not all better yet. This is your body's way of telling you.
How lovely to have a visit with your son!!! :-)
Lots and lots of gentle hugs, for patience... :-)
"Hugs can do great amounts of good, especially for children."
~Princess Diana, Princess of Wales
What a nice surprise David's visit was and it came at a good time too.
Glad that you were able to make it to your knitting group.
Take care.
Good that David stopped by bringing some sunshine for you. It can't be easy not being able to do what you love best. Wonder what he had to say about his mother's antics. ☺
Take that leg until she tells you she's ready.
What a lovely surprise for you to have your son call by.
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