Giving Thanks Challenge Day Number 25
I am Thankful for the Nice People in the world.
People who remember to say thank you.
People who stop to let you cross the street,
or give you a break in traffic and let you in.
People who smile back at you and say hi.
Friendly cashiers, servers, and sales people.
To all the nice people out there I say
Thank you!! : )
Yesterday our Thanksgiving Day was not your typical one, but will be one of the most memorable and also one of the nicest. : )
It was just to be Ken and I this year at home eating turkey. Since Tuesday when we went to our land closing was a bad weather day with rain and fog, and yesterday was going to a sunny day, we decided to drive up to our land. We left a little before 6 in the morning. When we stopped for breakfast in a rest area, we ate pieces of pumpkin bread that i had made.
We were at our land at 8:30 and though it was only in the 30's it was sunny, clear and beautiful out. We spent the day walking around on our land, figuring out just exactly where our borders were and enjoying being on the land. I wore my pedometer and though we only walked 5 miles it was all hiking around and I really earned those steps!! : ) We hiked with a 300 foot tape measure and found all the borders, through sticker bushes, brush, over fallen trees, many many rocks, and up and down hills. Eight acres of land is more than you realize when you're walking around on it.
For our meal we ate turkey sandwiches, sweet potato chips and granola bars. Dessert was pumpkin pie that i made topped off with RediWhip.
On the way home we stopped in another rest area and were going to eat ham sandwiches but the ham had gone bad. We had already put lettuce and mustard on the roll so we ended up eating lettuce and mustard sandwiches. There was some pumpkin bread left over so we ate that up too.
We were back home again by 8:00 and we had another piece of the pumpkin pie.
Some pictures from yesterday.
Truck parked in the driveway.
Random land picture.
Another road we discovered up near the back border.
That's Ken up ahead making notes.
A pleasant surprise was to find this book.
It runs on and off our land near the side border.
We put these POSTED signs up along the back border.
Here i am in my new poka a dot boots which kept
my feet nice and dry.
In this one i'm holding that 300 foot tape measure.
I was happy to discover that our neighbor has some
cows and bulls. Here is a one that stopped to look at me
and i took his picture.
It was a most unusual Thanksgiving Day but one that i thoroughly enjoyed. Being with Ken and enjoying our land, and thanking God for it all. A great day for thanksgiving!!
Only a few people out and about. I saw one couple walking a puppy and stopped for a little chat and to pet the puppy. He was an 8 week old golden retriever named Beau. Oh he was the cutest little thing and i wanted to bring him home with me.
Along the path i saw a red fox running up ahead and then run back into the woods. I haven't seen a fox for quite a while. This one looked healthy and well fed.
I walked 6.9 miles.
I had planned on getting a lot done around the house today but so far i haven't been able to get much done.
I talked to a friend on the phone and then called my friend Bernice and we talked for an hour!! We had lots to catch up on!!
I did get a load of laundry hung up out on the line but that's about it. I have a story about clothes lines but will save that for another day.
I'm off now to try to get some work done.
A happy day to you.
Happyone : )
Blessings are oftentimes not valued
till they are gone.
~ Thomas Fuller
Unique and fun Thanksgiving, for the 2 of you. :-) Sounds perfect for both of you, too.
Oh a meandering stream! "Be still my heart!" Deeeeeeeeelightful!
Gentle hugs,
"Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do-or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so."
~Stanley Crawford
Nahhh, the Day After Thanksgiving is meant to be an easy day. :-) No matter how one spent Thanksgiving itself. :-)
I had nothing to do, since family gathered at middle son's family house. (Husband made Stuffing and creamed potatoes, and Italian exchange student make desserts, so I was off Dessert Duty. Or I took myself off, that is. :-)) But I still have had a very, very lazy day today. :-)
It's it a Rule?!?!?! -grin-
Gentle hugs,
"Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do-or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so."
~Stanley Crawford
Luv the spotted wellies - I was upset to see a fox today that had been run over on the road. What an exciting time ahead of you planning for your weekend cabin on your own piece of land, amazing.
Cool boots. How memorable a Thanksgiving--exploring your future. It's not the food but the company that makes the day.
Your Thanksgiving might have been unusual, it certainly sounded happy! :) I'm so thrilled for you both with your new land. I know you are anxious to make plans for it, I'm anxious to hear them! Love the neighbor, lol!
I'm thrilled for you too, Karen. It was a day to remember.
Sounds like a perfect day!! BTW, I have those same boots! I have not wore mine yet and am looking forward to breaking them in this winter!
Other than the spoiled ham, it sounds like a great Thanksgiving. The land looks great. Isn't that exciting? Happy Thanksgiving. Art
Oh boy it sounds like a perfect piece of land....are you going to build there?
Thanks for the pictures of your land. It looks grand. I was eager to see what you guys were up to with this new adventure.
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