There were a few more people around the lake than yesterday but still not that many.
I've mentioned that there are more than the usual amount of rabbits around the lake this year and the same is true for the Canada Geese. There are so many of them around the lake and lots of them have four or five babies trailing along after them. They are getting used to all the people because we hardly get hissed at any more and today a lady even got close enough to one of the babies and picked it up. Daddy geese didn't much like it but he let her hold it, which was really surprising. I've never tried to pick one up.
Usually when I see a fishing boat on the lake, it is either still or moving slowly in the water. Today a small boat with a couple of people in it was going as fast at the little motor would go. The boat left a wake and actually made waves that made the way to the shoreline and you could hear them slapping against the rocks.
A very nice walk around the lake once again. : )
Today I walked 6.4 miles which for me was 13,116 steps.
It was raining this morning and since it's my knitting outside day with the knitting group I thought maybe we would be meeting inside at the mill today. I checked at the website one last time before leaving and it was still on for outside. It was a good decision because the rain stopped and we had a nice pleasant time being outside. I always have a good time but today seemed better than usual. There were 11 of us there today.
I brought along the finished weave-it afghan for the others to see the finished project. All of their nice compliments and smiles made me feel good . : )
I didn't eat any breakfast this morning so as soon as I got home I ate lunch. Just puttered around this afternoon. I made some chocolate chip cookies to bring with me tomorrow when I go and get my hair done. I like to bring cookies for all the hairdressers.
Ken called saying he was going out after work with a friend so I'm home tonight alone for dinner. I'm just going to have a peanut and butter sandwich on toast and just maybe two of those cookies I just made!!
It's been pretty hot here this afternoon so I didn't spend any time on the deck. After I eat and it gets a bit cooler I plan to go on the deck and finish the book I'm reading.
I brought along the finished weave-it afghan for the others to see the finished project. All of their nice compliments and smiles made me feel good . : )
I didn't eat any breakfast this morning so as soon as I got home I ate lunch. Just puttered around this afternoon. I made some chocolate chip cookies to bring with me tomorrow when I go and get my hair done. I like to bring cookies for all the hairdressers.
Ken called saying he was going out after work with a friend so I'm home tonight alone for dinner. I'm just going to have a peanut and butter sandwich on toast and just maybe two of those cookies I just made!!
It's been pretty hot here this afternoon so I didn't spend any time on the deck. After I eat and it gets a bit cooler I plan to go on the deck and finish the book I'm reading.
Have you ever smiled so much in one day that your cheeks hurt? Hope you had one of those days.
Happyone : )
If you promise not to believe everything
your child says happens at school,
I'll promise not to believe everything
he says happens at home.
~ Anonymous Teacher
your child says happens at school,
I'll promise not to believe everything
he says happens at home.
~ Anonymous Teacher
I love your picture of the path leading through the wooded area. Very pretty! We had some rain today also and enjoyed every drop of it. It definitely caused many smiles here in our part of Texas.
We had a rabbit that visited our backyard every summer. We haven't seen it yet this summer. The rabbits here aren't multiplying, I would have seen many, love the rabbits! I've been thinking about you on your walks these past couple rainy mornings, good to hear you are staying dry. Looks like were in for another mini-heatwave. Love the quote !
I'm amazed that the lady was able to pick up one of the geese with the parents nearby. I have yet to see a rabbit in my yard which is kind of surprising because usually by now they would have eaten some of my flowers. Maybe they are all in your area :D.
We are currently hearing thunder, but I doubt it will rain. We sure could use it. It is sooo Hot!!
Hope you enjoyed your dinner. Those cookies sound scrumptious. You are always so sweet to take them to your hairdresser and dentist.
Baby rabbits are so darn cute. I remember one year we had baby rabbits in our front yard. We live in a townhouse so to have a rabbit give birth there was odd ... small space in the middle of a busy place. For weeks we enjoyed seeing tiny rabbits come onto the sidewalk - so cute and not afraid. Then one day they were gone. Guess they moved on.
It's so humid this morning!
I've seen so many rabbits this year! I think they like plants and not carrots cause I threw a bunch over my deck a few days ago and they're still there! I saw a baby rabbit a few times scooting into my garden, so there must be a nest there.
I'm really looking forward to your chocolate chippers today. I'm glad that we'll get to spend some good time together. See you soon!
Sounds like you had a bit of a *unique* day, on Tuesday.
We certainly had (lot of) a bit of a *unique* day on Tues. Here, by *unique,* I mean w-e-i-r-d.
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