Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just As I Am.

Near the end of the morning church service every Sunday, Pastor Simpson gives an invitation for those who want to ask Jesus to come into their heart, be baptized, join the church, or just to have someone pray with you.  We sing different hymns during this time.
It's been a year this March since I walked down the aisle and was baptized.  : )  Though Jesus has been a part of my life since I was a child I was never baptized till last year.
The hymn, Just As I Am, was being sung as I made down to be baptized.
I am so thankful that God lead me to this church right down the road from me.  I didn't know how much I needed a church family until I came here.  : )

I walked 6 miles this morning on one of my connect the path routes.  The temperature was 29 and as I walked out the door it started snowing pretty hard.  It only lasted about 10 minutes though and by the time I got home I could see blue sky.
And now I'm off to church.
Have blessed Sunday.
A smile from me to you.
Happyone : )


Happy@Home said...

Wonderful that you found a church you like and even nicer that it is so close to home.
Hope your snow doesn't stick around.
Happy Sunday.

KathyA said...

You, too, Karen.

Suz said...

oh a good hymn!
a good church...that's a blessing too

Retired Knitter said...

I do believe God leads you to exactly what you need. Of, course it is up to each individual to recognize it and accept it. You did just that.

Noofy said...

I suppose if I had been baptized as an adult, I may have understood and enjoyed it more. I was baptized at less than six months old with specifically chosen Godparents (my parents best friends). Silly March snow we had, just crazy weather. I miss your quotes and pictures, they are so much a part of your posts. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Vee said...

That's always been one of my favorite hymns. Your church family sounds like a wonderful place to be nurtured and to grow.

Oh, found my bread machine yeast today. Trouble is...I don't feel like making any bread and have no idea when I'll try again. :D

HappyK said...

Noofy - my church believes in "believers baptism" so only people who are saved are baptized. We believe you do NOT have to be baptized to be saved. It is an outward way to tell others you are saved. In my church babies are dedicated to the Lord, which is really for the parents who are promising God to bring their child up in the church.

Pictures and quotes will be back tomorrow. Sunday's I usually take a break. : )

Kerri Farley said...

Just As I Am is one of my favorite hymns.
Happy Sunday my friend!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I was looking for words to a hymn to post with a picture I took yesterday. Instead of going upstairs to find a hymnal to leaf through, I googled "Ira Sankey" and "Fanny Crosby"...then I got so involved in reading about them, the post never got finished. "Just as I Am" would have been a good choice...and I'm positive of all the correct words to that and could have skipped the google episode! So nice you've found a church you love!

Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorite hymns. Sounds like your church sings the "old timey" hymns, which I love. Most churchs (mine included) are singing the praise songs now, which are okay, but I still prefer the old hymns. I guess I am old-fashioned, I was brought up on the old hymns and love them.

By the way, thank you for giving your recipe for window cleaner a while back. I made it, and love it. It is the only cleaner I have ever used that does not streak. I will never buy window cleaner again!


HappyK said...

Paulette, I'm so glad you like the homemade window cleaner. It is the only one I use now too.
Yes, my church does sing lots of the old hymns. It's just one more reason why I love this church.

Sue said...

One of my favorite hymns, and when I hear it I always think of how the Rev, Dr Billy Graham has this as his invitational hymn. Sounds like a wonderful church.

I always enjoy hearing of your walks.