Here's a picture down one of the side roads. You can see the cloudy sky. It ended up raining later in the day.Not many people about, but did see kids at bus stops and a few runners and some deer ran across the road.
I took this picture of a bare foot print because I thought it very odd. It was 42 degrees!! Much too cold for bare feet and there was just one of them. Pretty strange!!
I walked my usual 6 miles.
Sunrise 6:34
Sunset 7:43
On the way to my Tuesday knitting group it started raining and we ended up with a cool rainy day. But these rainy April days bring us May flowers. :-)Sunset 7:43
Before coming home I stopped in at JoAnn Fabrics to buy a new knitting needle.
Had a late lunch and then got caught up on blog reading. I have been behind for a couple of days. It's nice to be caught up again.
Not much happening today. Pretty quiet afternoon. This evening will be more of the same.
I will start reading the next library book in the pile, watch some television while knitting.
Till next time....
This Tuesday I hope you came across a few things to make you smile.
Happyone :-)
If you woke up breathing, congratulations!
You have another chance.
~Andrea Boydston
You have another chance.
~Andrea Boydston
One barefoot print certainly qualifies as strange. I guess that's one mystery that never will be solved. It's too bad farm land has been built over, but it does look like a nice development.
HI Dear Karen,
Nice pictures there. I liked the first one a lot. I am glad that you are back....
The picture with the foot print was really bizarre. What a mystery?
And the thought is just so good.
Looks like a lot of beautiful spring-time blooming going on. Beautiful picture of the red buds!
Okay, now you've done it. I must know what's going on with the footprint! :D
I was at Joann's yesterday, too, but not for knitting needles. Oh help me if I ever start that hobby!
I believe the original farm house is tucked back there someplace. You've come across a real gem!
The foot print gave me a laugh. It does make you wonder.
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