I never get tired of seeing all the deer and rabbits along the way. Almost every day I see the Red Winged Black birds now and I think they are so pretty with just that touch of red and yellow.
Yesterday I walked past the liquor store and as usual I found some coins there. Three lucky pennies, two nickels, and a dime. Today along the road to the lake I found a quarter.
Sunrise 6:35
Sunset 7:42
I am lucky to have this really nice pantry in the kitchen and love it but it has these wire shelves and things tend to fall easily.Ken bought some clear plastic and cut it to fit on all four of the shelves for me.Sunset 7:42
Here I'm holding up the plastic a bit so you can see it.All plastic on the shelves and now nothing falls over.Thanks Kenny! :-)
A busy day at home today.
- Laundry
- Ironing
- Fixing a knitting problem
- Vacuuming
- Dusting
- Doing a lesson for Wednesday
We are about to watch a program on television about volcanos on one of the science channels.
Ice cream for snacks tonight and I'll do a little knitting.
Update on my Dad.
He is doing very well with his radiation treatments. Too early to tell yet if they are working, but he is feeling good and still goes outside in the yard to do his yard work. He loves working outside!! So for a man of nearly 80 he is doing extremely well. Thank you all for your prayers!
I hope this Monday brought you some happiness.
Happyone :-)
Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time;
serenity, that nothing is.
~Thomas Szasz
serenity, that nothing is.
~Thomas Szasz
My, that's a gorgeous sunrise shot today. Pretty lake view, too.
We have those wire shelves in our pantry here, too. The only thing I have trouble with are my cookbooks falling over. I will keep my eyes peeled for some of that plastic. That's an excellent idea!
Very glad to hear that your dad is doing well with his treatments. Prayers are powerful.
Beautiful walking photos and I like your new spring Header, too. I hope your Dad's health improves.
Everything does look so fresh and green... I'm so glad to hear that your father is doing well and feeling good. It's a good sign that he is happy to be outside puttering about. Kenny's solution for your pantry is an excellent one!
It's always great to catch up with you Karen. I miss seeing you. Miss talking and eating with you! Glad that you'll be in this week, but 30 minutes isn't enough for all the stories we have to tell.
I hope the radiation works for your father and that the side effects are minimal. He'll be in my prayers.
HI Dear Karen,
I loved the second picture. It is really beautiful. And your hubby is a genius.
I am glad to hear about your father. I hope that his health improves further.
I LOVE the early morning shot~ as you know that's my fave time of day.
So glad to hear your Dad is doing well with the treatments!!
(And I LOVE your pantry)
Thanks for the update on your Dad. The news is certainly encouraging and we will continue to keep him and you in our prayers.
Ken came up with a pretty nifty solution to the problem of the wire shelves.
Wow, beautiful sunrise.
I'm glad your Dad is doing well.
What a terrific pantry and a good idea to put plastic sheets on them!
I have the same kind of shelves but no plastic. Please send Kenny this way!
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