Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On the line

I was so surprised when I walked out of the door this morning and it was only 32 degrees and I saw frost!! The radio said it was 45!! The cold temperature didn't last long though and when the sun came up it warmed things up considerably and it was in the upper 40's when I got back home. I walked around the lake again and saw lots of wildlife. Deer, Mallard ducks, the Heron, Red Winged Black birds, a fox, and the usual geese. A beautiful morning out around the lake and a great morning for a walk!! Not that many people out but I did see Jeannie and we stopped for a chat. We decided that we should meet somewhere for lunch some time so we can have a longer chat!
I found a lucky penny. :-)
Sunrise 7:16
Sunset 7:16
Well, there it is!! 12 hours of daylight!!
Since it was such a nice day I decided it was time for hanging the wash outside once again. I sure have missed that wonderful clothes line, dried clothes smell. I did whites and here they are hanging on the line soaking up that smell!!
Another shot from where the snow pile used to be.
We are not allowed to hang clothes up outside but since I take my lines down when not in use there is not much they can do about it.

Cupboards were getting a bit low again so off to the commissary I went. It was a great day to be out and driving around. I didn't even have to wear a coat. Hardly any one was shopping today so I was in and out pretty quick. Then home to unload and put things away.
Lunch came next which was left over pizza I had in the freezer.
I got Ken's white shirts ironed and did a few other chores around the house.

It was so nice and warm out this afternoon that I sat out on the back deck and read for a while in the late afternoon.
I picked up a couple of eggplants at the commissary and was just getting everything out to make Eggplant Parmesan for supper when Ken called to say he wouldn't be home till late. So I put everything away again, and will make it tomorrow instead.

I ended up skipping supper altogether and at 6:30 I walked down to church for the Bible study group with the ladies. Enjoyed my time there, met a few more women and when I got home Ken was home. Though I did skip supper I still had 4 cookies and milk for a snack. I know I should have eaten something better but they sure tasted good!!

So here I am at the computer. Later I'll do a little knitting and reading.

Though I'm not Irish a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you.
St. Patrick's Day brings back wonderful memories when we went on our walking tour with The Wayfarers around the Ring of Kerry. If you feel like looking at pictures of Ireland and our walk, the link is on the sidebar.

I wore my pedometer all day today to see how many steps I took . 20,062 was the number.
Today I'm thankful that I got to hang my wash outside on the line.
Happyone :-)
Ever felt an angel's breath in the gentle breeze?
A teardrop in the falling rain?
Hear a whisper amongst the rustle of leaves?
Or been kissed by a lone snowflake?
Nature is an angel's favorite hiding place.
~Carrie Latet


Vee said...

Your snowpile beat mine by just one day! Just one! Sixty degrees today and so springlike. I was outside for a couple of brief moments putting coffee grounds on the azalea bush.

Hope that Ken enjoys his freshly laundered, sun-soaked t-shirts. :D

Rathi said...

Hi Dear Karen,

WOW! that thought is just amazing... and i am thankful that you share such thoughts and make our day...

I am sorry that you had to put out the Eggplant Parmesan... I am sure that you were excited about it... and those clothes remind me of the happy moment that you shared when we were on RealAge... good days... :-)

Helen said...

I hope the lucky penny brings you luck :)
I look forward to hang my clothes outside on the clothesline too, I love that smell.

Karen said...

Love seeing your whites out on the line. Bright and beautiful!

Happy@Home said...

Nothing like that fresh from the clothesline smell. How nice that your snow pile is all gone and you could spend some time out on the deck.

judi/Gmj said...

I use to hang my clothes out in another life years ago and loved the smell.
Now, the smell reminds me of my ex-husband. bitter sweet memories.

KathyA said...

Seeing wash hanging out always reminds me of Italy.
PS I like that fresh smell, too.

dot said...

I love that you hang your laundry out! I wonder how many of those folks who talk about going green do that.

I heard they were making a Stephanie Plum movie. I love the books and I think I learned about them from you.