Sunrise 7:19
Sunset 7:14
Maybe tomorrow the times will be the same!
Maybe tomorrow the times will be the same!
It was a cloudy, rainy, dreary day. I did some laundry and then it seemed like a good day to finish reading my book, Under the Dome by Stephen King. And that is exactly what I did. The book had 1,411 pages and I'm finally finished. It was a good book but as with all of his books I think he could have trimmed it down considerably. Parts were dragged out and were boring at times but all in all I enjoyed reading it. It takes place in Chester Mill, Maine. The town is suddenly cut off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. No one can figure out what the cause of it is and the story is about how the people in the town react to it.I did take some time out for lunch but I read just about the whole day and finished the book at 3:15!!
The book now sits on the table beside Ken's chair all ready for him to read it next.
Didn't take a picture of the snow pile yesterday, but here's the picture for today. It is just a little thing now!
In just a little while I'll have a few chocolate chip cookies, watch some TV and knit.
Hope your day was more productive than mine was today. :-)
Happyone :-)
A good book should leave you....
slightly exhausted at the end.
You live several lives while reading it.
~William Styron
slightly exhausted at the end.
You live several lives while reading it.
~William Styron
I didn't have a very productive day, but that was OK. I read a lot of blogs. I miss the book I just finished. I know you'd like it. I have The Help...I've heard it's so good. Will I have time to read? Spring and the outdoors call me. I envy you your outdoor time with nature. I could have it too.
HI dear Karen,
I just enjoy rain and i wish there was some rain her as well... as for the snow pile, seriously it is just a little thing now... i love your quotes as usual... and this one is good as every other one you have written... and i would like to mention here about the pictures of your grandkids... they looking simply amazing.
Your quote applies perfectly to your day of reading. Reading on a rainy day sounds wonderful to me.
I think your snow pile is not long for this world :-)
It will be a good thing if the little pile of snow is the last of this winter. It's time for spring. I'm very thankful for the rain and melting snow. It brought our water table up to normal levels. We were in a drought situation for a couple of seasons.
Beautiful grandchildren! Aren't grandchildren the very best!!
It's good to have time to blog again. Thanks for not forgetting me.
I can imagine how happy you are to see all your snow disappearing. I'm glad you had a good day for reading. We've got sprinkles again, so perhaps I can get some reading done today.
On Monday we helped our youngest move into her new apartment in VA -- what a dreary day.
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