Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Back Home

Just a short post to say we are back home safe and sound from our fantastic holiday cruise.
Here is the last picture taken from our veranda 6:35 this morning. We are back in Baltimore.
Leaving the ship was quite easy because we carried all our own luggage off. We called Debbi and she came to pick us up. There was no place to wait inside and it was COLD waiting in 27 degrees after the warm 80's that we had been in. A very nice man waiting for his people let us sit in his car to get warm waiting for Debbi to get there. :-)

It was a great cruise but so nice to get home again.
Google Reader tells me I have 240 posts waiting for me to read. It will take me a while but I'll be over to read all of your blogs.
Thanks for all the comments while I've been away. :-)

Have a great Saturday!!
Happyone :-)


Golden To Silver Val said...

I just commented on your last post....I guess I'm somewhat behind. Glad you're home safe and sound with some wonderful memories. Can't wait to see some great pictures (as yours always are). I'm spending the day just vegging...watching movies mostly. Its just too bitterly cold outside to do much else. You'll sleep well tonight....nothing like your own bed!

Vee said...

Not much going on here so I give you permission to skate past quickly. There's no way that you want to spend time catching up on everything, even though I am still trying.

Thanks for the post to say you're home. It's good to think of you all nestled in and cozy. Hope it doesn't take too long to get used to the cold again.

Happy@Home said...

Welcome home. I agree with you that it is always nice to be home again after a trip. Although, it may take a bit of adjusting to the temperature difference.
Happy New Year!!

Kerri Farley said...

Glad you are home safe and sound!! And Glad you had a wonderful time.
Happy New Year!!

KathyA said...

Welcome home!! So glad you enjoyed your cruise. It must have been interesting watching the ship take out part of the pier!

Lindy said...

That is a beautiful sunrise you had this morning. Glad you are back in familiar surroundings. I'm sure 27 degrees was quite the shock after 80 degrees. It was very nice of that man to let you wait in his car. The kindness of strangers.

Linda said...

So glad to hear that the both of you are home safe and sound and the trip was wonderful. Looking forward to hearing and seeing all about your cruise.

Cheryl said...

Welcome back Karen (and Ken)!!

Jeanne said...

Welcome back! I'm glad that you had such a great time on your cruise. We have made one cruise to the Carribbean and loved it. After hearing about your trip I think I'm ready for another.

karen said...

Glad your back safe and sound. I want to see lots more wonderful pictures.