There is a dishwasher in my house that I have NEVER used until yesterday. I thought Thanksgiving with all the dishes that had to be washed would be a good day to start. Well..... I put the setting on normal wash and it took 65 minutes! That wouldn't be so bad if all the dishes came out clean, but they all didn't and I had to wash some of them anyway. I could have had everything washed, dried and put away in less then 65 minutes! I much prefer washing dishes by hand in the sink while looking out of the window. I guess I'm just an old fashioned girl!! :-)
Along with her pie yesterday, which was very good by the way, my mom brought me her old sewing machine. Lucky me. Thanks Mom!! Ken and my dad carted it up all the flights of stairs and here it now sits in my loft waiting for me to make who knows what. Ah the possibilities.
My parents are early risers and they were long gone this morning headed back to PA by the time I got up and headed out for my walk.I walked 6 miles along what I call my "connect the path" route. Lots of deer along the path, I stopped counting after 14 of them!
Can you spot the fox? It's pretty far away. You'll have to click to enlarge the picture.
Are you wondering if I walked yesterday? No, I didn't. I took the day off.
No early shopping for me this morning. I don't want anything bad enough to wait in line at 5:00 in the morning.
I did a quick vacuum and straightened things up around the house and started knitting another tiny hat for Bonnie's project. This time in yellow.
For lunch I made up a little Thanksgiving Day left over plate. No dessert though. I'll save a piece of pumpkin pie for my snack tonight.
Now, I'm off to do a little more knitting, maybe some reading, and then catch up on blog reading.
I hope your Friday is a happy one.
I am happy today to see the sun shining.
Karen :-)
There are two things to aim at in life:
first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it.
Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.
~ Logan Pearsall
Hi Karen,
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving Day with your parents there.
My husband and I were alone on Thanksgiving Day for the first time in years, but we had a good day and are so thankful for a blessed year.
I recently quit using my dishwasher so that I can use my knitted dishcloths! I like making those things, and also have started a pair of slippers and I'm hoping to make some of the baby hats.
I'm sure you will find many uses for your new old sewing machine!
Diane in AL
I'm sure you will come up with some good ideas for using the nice sewing machine.
Great day that you had...... I am glad to know that......
Sounds as if you had a very nice Thanksgiving...except for the dishwasher! I use mine ALL the time!
Always enjoy your walk photos! Thanks for sharing!
Glad to hear that you had a nice Thanksgiving. I look forward to seeing what you will create on your new old sewing machine. Love your quote today ~ so true.
Enjoy your weekend.
Glad to see the sewing machine in its new home! That looks like a great, bright spot for sewing.
I would be thrilled if my dishwasher finished in 65 minutes. Ours takes almost two hours! (The previous owners of the house left it.) I don't use ours very often, either, but am always disappointed after I do, and have to re-wash some by hand.
Pretty swirling clouds. Fourteen deer AND a fox! WOW! I have never seen a fox in the wild. I'd say your day was blessed! :D
Hope your holiday weekend continues to be a sunny one.
Sounds like a great day. The sewing machine is very nice. Lucky You. We finishing off our pie yesterday and only thing left is some turkey and mashed potaotes. I am going to make potatoes cakes out of them. They are very good.
Interesting to read about your Thanksgiving day.
That must have been so annoying about the dishwasher! It's a sociable thing to wash and dry the dishes after a big meal - helps with the digestion too!
I'm so happy you've got a sewing maching to play with now. Will you try quilting, Karen? I know you'll have fun with it anyway.
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving and that your parents were able to enjoy the day with you. The sewing maching looks like it is brand new. Lucky you to get such a nice sewing machine. Looking forward to seeing what you will be making on the sewing machine.
So Happy you had a nice Thanksgiving Karen! And can't wait to see what you make with your New/old sewing machine :)
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