Started this day as usual with my morning walk. Today I went around the lake.
I went out this morning to the post office - your package has been sent Kim. You should get it in a day or two they tell me.
I went to the library to pick up an audio book they had on hold for me. The next book in the Cat Series by Braun.
I couldn't help but walk past the new book section and picked up a couple more books to read too. Now I have a back load of 6 books from the library. I know I'll have to be renewing some of them, but I like to see them all in a stack just waiting to be read.
A few weeks ago I started volunteering at the library but I decided it was not what I wanted to do. They had me "reading" the foreign language book shelves. Which means I had to straightened them up and make sure all the books were all in order. After a while the numbers all seem to jumble together. I am hoping to find some volunteer work to do through my new church. Which by the way I got a letter from today welcoming me and inviting me back. :-)
I walked over to the store across the street to the Giant to get a few things .
When I got back I popped in the audio book on the computer and listened to that while I baked chocolate chip cookies. I was good and only ate one cookie.
Since I have all those books to read, I went out and sat on the deck out back and read for a while. The sky was a bright blue with white puffy clouds. I just happen to have my camera and took a picture of the sky.

A few of you have asked how I like The Good Wife. I thought it was okay - really just another lawyer show. I probably won't watch any more of the show.
Three weeks ago I started going to a Knit Group which meets every Wednesday evening at Paneras. It's supposed to be from 7 - 9 , but lots of us go early and have supper there as well. It's a fun night of knitting and talking. It's nice because there are no officers, rules or dues to pay. Just a bunch of people meeting to knit and talk. Very informal which is how I like it. Every one is very friendly and new people are always welcome. I'm starting to remember some names. Meeting so many people at once it's hard to remember names but each week I try to remember a couple more.
So, since today is Wednesday I went to the Knit Group. Tonight I left home at 5:30 and was home again at 9:30. Cheryl stopped by to say hi after she got out of work. She'll have to take up knitting one of these days. :-)
When I got back home I watched an episode of Mad Men, which by the way I like a lot. I also ate 4 more of those chocolate chip cookies from this afternoon with a nice cold glass of milk.
I hope you enjoyed your Wednesday.
Karen :-)
You must feel a prayer
before God can hear it.
It was inspiring to see such a diverse group of people sharing time and space and knitting. What a great way to get out and meet friendly people. I'm so glad I got to meet you there.
Glad to see you're posting over here again. I missed hearing/reading about your daily life. You inspire a lot of us, I hope you realize.
good for you, ms. karen, always good to be busy...
Hi Karen - sounds like a good day. I would love to be done with the work-a-day world and do volunteer work - there are so many good causes that need help. My first job was part time at a library and I didn't like "reading the shelves" much either. So when I can retire and volunteer somewhere it probably won't be doing that.
Reading a good book on your deck on a pretty day - does it get better? Enjoy Thursday. Art
Hi Karen,
I will try to be patient as I wait for that beautiful afghan to arrive. Your picture of the clouds in the sky remind me of the pretty colors in the afghan :-)
Your knitting group at Panera sounds like a perfect group for you to attend. Fellowship with fellow knitters and dinner too. I love the food at Panera.
I could never bake cookies and eat just one!
At which Panera do they meet?
Hi Karen
I ahve not baked in a while as I'm trying ti lose a few pounds. A batch of chocolate chips cookies sounds so good!
The knitting group sounds like fun!I have trouble remembering names when I meet a lot of people at once --I've tried all kinds of memory tricks but they never help. I've volunteered with a group for 7 years and there are still some people whose names I can't recall.
Be sure to watch the Ken Burns special on the National Parks on PBS thsi weekend!
Kathy - We meet at the Paneras in Dobbin.
Ilove Paneras and can't wait until I stoop work and begin knitting again which I haven't done in too many years.
Dorothy from grammology
You only ate one freshly-baked chocolate chip cookie? I'm impressed.
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