It was pretty chilly here this morning as I went on my morning walk. The sun came out and it was just perfect for walking. I walked over to and around the little wet land pond. I took this picture of the pond with the morning fog.

I have lived in the townhouse for 6 months now and there is a church a couple of blocks from my house. Though I grew up going to church all the time and have been a born again Christian since I've been a little girl, I haven't gone to church in a very long time. I pray and read my Bible daily and always thought that was enough for me. I've been walking past this church almost every day since I've lived here, and during the past few weeks I have been having a feeling that I should go there. Well, today was the day that I listened to that feeling and went. I can't tell you how good it made me feel walking in that church. It was like coming home again. Everyone was so friendly and I felt most welcome. The service had lots of singing in it which I like. The sermon itself reminded me of the sermons from my old church when I was a kid. I didn't feel like I was being preached at but learning things right from the Bible. We are studying Romans - today was Romans 3. I look forward to going back next Sunday morning. I am so glad I walked in that church. :-)
I have just finished reading a book called Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
I had an craving for some Hot Crispy Beef so I walked over to Hunan Legend and got some take away for supper tonight. There is always left overs so I guess I'll be eating that again for supper tomorrow!
Right now I think I'll go sit out on the deck and do a little knitting until the sun goes down and I can't see.
I want to thank you all for all your kind thoughts, good wishes, and prayers that you have said for Ken and I as we are going through a rough time. Things are improving with us and we are headed in the right direction. Please keep the prayers coming. They always help. :-)
Tomorrow at 6:00 AM my mom is having surgery on her foot - please send up a prayer for her too. Thanks.
I hope your Sunday was a day filled with sunshine.
Karen :-)
As you can see I'm not using happyone anymore but my name. I feel the name happyone is just too much to live up to. I felt like I always had to be happy and lets face it, no one is happy all the time.
The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping
stones is how you use them.
Karen I am so happy you decided to start blogging again. It's just so good to see you here! Take it one day at a time friend! It will all come together. Hugs! Jan
I've missed your blog and I'm glad you're back.
Wanda, NC
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom for her surgery tomorrow! As well as for blissfulness for you and Ken.
Welcome back, friend :))
Hi Karen,
Hooray ~ that is what I thought when I saw that you are back. I have missed you. However, it sounds like your break served you well. How nice that you found a church so close to home and felt an instant connection.
I will keep you and Ken in my thoughts and prayers. I will also say a prayer that your mom's surgery goes smoothly.
Welcome back! We did carry out tonight, too, from Hunan Legend. We've been doing a lot of that since I've been one arm down.
I think you're right about the name change -- no use making more pressure for ourselves. Hang in there. Kathy
Welcome back! So glad that you made it to church and enjoyed it so much. It is really great to have a church family. I'm probably not as active as I should be but I do love being somewhat involved in my church. I'll be praying for you.
Welcome back! You were missed and I'm glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction for you. I'm glad you seem to have found a church home. I hope your Mom's surgery goes well and we'll keep her and you and Ken in our prayers.
i am glad you're back, ms. karen! i am glad i did not miss your Sunday thoughts this week, too! big hugs, ma'am!!
Karen, so glad to see you posting to this blog again! A gorgeous picture you have here! Thinking of you and praying for you daily!
Hey, and glad to see you are back. You are inspiring to me, what with your walks and outlook on life. You are right, no one is happy all the time, but you gave it a good shot!! I'll pray for things to work out for you. Betzy
Hey Karen - hope you enjoyed your "blogcation". the book sounds good. Relationships can be so complex. I hope that the improvement you are seeing continues.
You are still Happy One - that doesn't mean happy 100 percent of every second. It means you have a positive and happy outlook, and that you make lemonade out of lemons. We've never met, but I believe that to be true of you.
Enjoy the day. Art
I'm so glad you're back posting again. I, too, have missed you. Whatever experiences you are going through have caused you to see things a bit differently and you are being true to yourself. Attending church again is something you have missed in your life and I'm glad that you've found a good one. Sending prayers up for you and Ken and also for your mom. Big warm hugs, ....Karen!
So glad you are back! I'm not sure what it is you've been dealing with...but have thought of you from time to time...and prayed that all is well.
So glad that you are back. I missed reading your blog. Happy to hear that you and Kenny are making progress. Hope everything works out. Sorry to hear your Mom had to have foot surgery, I wish her a speedy recovery.
Glad to see you posting again and so very glad you have found a church you like!!
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