Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, July 06, 2009


It's almost 1:00 and I've been playing Sims all morning!! I was going to play for a half hour and here it is almost 3 hours later. I did finish furnishing the whole house. That's pretty good for a few hours work. :-)
I've made a family of four and named them The Baker Family. Dad is James, Mom is June, son is Luke and he's a little kid and then there is Emily who is a toddler. I made myself the toddler and I'm going to watch me grow up. When I figure out how to take a snapshot of my family I'll post it.

I forgot about the laundry in the washing machine and just got finished hanging it outside. I'm going to go have some lunch now and then go and get some work done.

I'll be posting later in the day again.
I'll try real hard to stay away from the computer for a good while.
Till then......


KathyA said...

I hear that game is really addictive!

Anonymous said...

I am LOL! I vowed to not turn my computer on today until I got some work done first. I did manage to clean my closet out before I turned it on to check my email. I can't remember how long ago I found your blog, but it is on my top five list I check every morning while I'm have my morning coffee.
Wanda, NC

HappyK said...

Hi Wanda! Glad you enjoy my blog. :-)

George said...

I think you said that this was a very addictive game. Evidently you're right. But go ahead and enjoy.

Vee said...

The strangest thing is going on here on your blog or with my computer. I've just finished reading two newer posts and have scrolled back to this post when the followers bit froze up my computer and booted me out. Now I'm back and this is the only post that I can find. It's like being on an episode of the Twilight Zone. :D

Anyway, you'll have to trust me that I enjoyed getting caught up! You see the most amazing wildlife out and about...the doe and her fawn. The work on the homes across the street, the reading, the knitting (that's a good idea for your sidebar that Ken is doing for you), and all the myriad other things that make this blog a treat.

Michele said...

I was wondering how your Sims game was going and now I see you are having fun!! I know I would have so much trouble staying away from it... maybe one day I will be able to buy it... it will be some time before I get money together but who knows, I have a knack of saving pretty good.