After walking yesterday morning and a pancake breakfast we went over the old house and did this weeks yard work. With all the rain we have been getting things are growing mighty fast and it seems I'm always mowing the lawn and weeding.
The last brick is being put in place on the new row of townhouses. This side is across the street from my townhouse.

It was foggy around the lake this morning but the sun came out as I was walking.
I came across this tiny nest.
This looks like a turtle nest that was dug up by some animal who had a nice meal of turtle eggs. I saw three like this today.

It was a Meals on Wheels day for me. I've been taking the FJ but today I went in my Vette because Mrs W's street is just about done with the construction and the road is in a lot better shape now.
I had another new woman today named Ann. I had a hard time finding her house. I went right where I should have went left and ended up on the wrong side of the highway looking for her street. I finally stopped and asked a man working in his yard for directions and he was kind enough to get me back on track. Thank you kind man! :-) Once I found her street it took me a while to find her house on it but I finally did and got her food to her. Ann is 5 years younger than me!! and has a lot of medical problems. Most people think MOW is just for seniors but it is for anyone who is homebound. Ann seems very nice and I look forward to getting to know her better. I have 8 people on my route now which I think is a good number. I'm happy to say they were all doing well today. :-)
I got home had a late lunch and then washed my car
She is shiny and bright once again.
I washed the sheets and hung them outside to dry and when I took them in noticed that my one sheet is worn right through. I guess it's time to buy new sheets again. I usually buy two flat sheets and use one for the top and one for the bottom because the mattress is so big that I could never get the fitted sheet to stay on it. I've seen some sheets now that are 15 inches and that should fit on my mattress. I always buy flannel sheets - I love them - winter and summer.
Well that's my day so far. I guess it's that time of the day to sit down for a bit and do some reading.
We will be going out after supper to pick up some well deserved ice cream.
Hope your Monday is happy one.
Happyone :-)
Never underestimate the impact one life
can have on another.
Hi! :)
I didn`t know turtles made nest.
I guess the people you bring food is very happy to see you.
I need to buy new bedclothes too.
Have a happy week.
I think your quote for today is very applicable to the impact you must have delivering MOW to all of the homebound people.
Interesting about the turtle nest. I have never seen one before.
Hope you enjoyed your ice cream. We had more rain today. It seems to be a wet spring in many areas this year. My garden is not complaining, however.
I know what you mean about everything growing because of the rain. I keep telling my self that the exercise of mowing and weeding is good for me, but I can't always convince myself that it's enjoyable!
Thanks for all your work for MOW.
I bet Ann is going to enjoy getting to know YOU!
Love your header picture with the geese.
Sometimes I use flannel winter and summer, too. Lots of people don't get it.
Interesting about Ann. I hope that you both get to know each other very easily.
Gee, that looks like a bird's nest rather than a turtle nest -- I think they lay their eggs after digging a hole in the dirt. You certainly do see a lot of interesting things, though!
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