Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Reuben Sandwiches

Hi I'm back. We got quite a lot of rain and I never did get out and walk some more. The sun finally did come back out though. At the library I got out a book by Ken Follett called Pillars of the Earth. I've read about this book on few blogs and people either love it or hate it so I thought I'd get it out and see what I thought. I can't start it yet though because I'm reading two other books now but will start it as soon as these are done. Ken and I went walked over to the Giant and got the makings to make Reuben Sandwiches and we made them for supper. They were soooo good.
Here they are on the griddle.
And here is mine all ready for me to eat.
I only ate the one sandwich - too full to eat the extra half. I had to leave some room for a few chocolate chip cookies which I will be having in just a bit now. We will be watching episode of A Touch of Frost while I have my cookies and then I'll knit. Hope all is well with you and that your Saturday was happy. Happyone :-) A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor.


ShirleyAnn said...

Your sandwiches look delicious.
I am reading a Ken Follett book now, The Third Twin I have read a few of his, but not Pillars of the Earth.

Ruta M. said...

Thanks for the book recommendation, I'm starting to make a list of books to look for in the library once the summer holidays begin and I actually have time to read. I was intrigued by your sandwich as I have a boy called Reuben in my class, wikki says corned beef and sauerkraut with mayo, I'll have to suggest it to Pete.

Susan said...

Yum, the best sandwich. I think I am going to have to make some this week.
Loved the pictures of the pottery. They are lovely. I have been thinking about replacing some of our dishes. They are so boring!
It is so nice of you to stop by and leave comments...Um I see another peony trying to get into my garden...(wink)

HappyK said...

Ruta - wikki didn't get the Reuben sandwich quite right. Corned beef and sauerkraut yes, but no mayo - Thousand Island dressing and add Swiss cheese.

KathyA said...

My mouth is watering.