No fog this morning - lots of blue sky and sunshine as I walked my 6.6 miles around the paths and streets in the neighborhoods.
We went to the library this morning where I picked up a couple more books. I was just walking out of the library when my cell phone rang. It was my son David. He said Hi and then asked where I was. I told him and then asked where he was. His answer - sitting on your front stoop. So we quickly hopped in the car and in less than 10 minutes were home. Not only was David there but he was with the kids, Scout and Japhy. What a happy surprise to see them all!!! :-)
Here I am with my two youngest grandkids - Japhy on the left and Scout on the right.

Talked and played awhile and then I made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.
After lunch we decided to go for a walk over to the lake.
The kids got on their scooters and off we went.
A stop on the bridge to take a look at the water.
Down by the edge of the lake.
After walking for two miles we made it to the playground at the park for some climbing fun.
Japhy is just 3 years old and had no trouble climbing up this little climbing wall and then going down the slide on the other side. This kid is all boy and has no fear. He is just like his dad was and here dad stand by encase he is needed!
Scout turns to look at me as I call her name and
I took her picture.

Then we headed back home. We ended up walking 4 miles and with us taking turns carrying Japhy towards the end of the walk.
Once we got home we all had a piece of cake and then it was time to say good-bye.
I love this picture of Japhy on his scooter.

It was so good to see them all. What a wonderful thing it is to be a mother and grandma. It's enough to put tears of joy in you eye. :-)
As you can see we don't have much of a yard in front of our townhouse and the shrubs and grass that are there are taken care of for us so we don't have to do anything. I do like a little bit of color though and I had some impatiens left over from when I planted them in the big pot out on the deck. So I planted them in the front and side and also put in a few little hens and chicks along the wall.

Next time I'm at the old house I'm going to dig up some of the cone flowers and plant them too.
It's late afternoon now and we will be going out for pizza in a little while.
It's been such a nice day so far - I so enjoyed seeing the grandkids!! :-)
I think I'll go and read for a little while until it's time to go for pizza.
I hope you all are having a most enjoyable Saturday.
Happyone :-)
Edit: I had another surprise this evening. I never did go out for pizza. My daughter Debbi came over at 5:30. Ken knew she was coming over but it was a surprise to me!! Debbi took me out to dinner and then to see a movie. We saw the new Star Trek movie. The movie was excellent and we both really enjoyed it. Lots of action!!!
A perfect ending to my day. :-)
What a nice surprise. And the kids look just as happy to see you, too! After a day like that, I bet they slept all the way home.
What a great surprise and a fun day for all of you. Your grandchildren are real cutie pies.
They are both adorable! I know what you mean...I look at mine and blink back tears. I have some wonderful memories of my own grandma and hope that my grandchildren will have good memories of me someday. Sigh ~ and life goes on!
By the way....I LOVE how your hair looks....its BEAUTIFUL!
I'm SO happy that you had this kind of day. I can imagine how happy you were. I loved seeing the pictures. Your grandkids are adorable, and your son looks a lot like Ken. Nothing like a great day to boost your state of mind.
I meant to wish you a Happy Birthday in my earlier comment. Sounds like it was indeed Happy.
Glad you had a great day for your birthday. Happy Birthday to you again.
This sounds like a perfect day. I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your children and grandchildren.
How wonderful to get all those surprises in one day :)
Your grandchildren are very very cute.
I hope for grandchildren some day too (not yet, my children have to grow up first)
What a wonderful day!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair!!!!!!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!
And thanks too for the hair compliments. There is just a bit more brown that has to get cut off yet.
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