Just couldn't get motivated to go to the old house to mow the lawn. I told myself it would just be too wet.
About 3:00 this afternoon the sun came out and I saw blue sky once again. :-)
I ironed today upstairs looking out of the window watching gravel get blown into the bottom of the townhouse. It was to cover up the plumbing before getting the cement poured. I was also listening to George Guidall read me part of another cat story - The Cat Who Turned On and Off. My ironing was done in no time. :-)
Bullets of my day.
Made a birthday card.
Made a loaf of white bread.
David called.
Sat outside on the deck to enjoy the sunshine while it was around.
Drove Taryn to work.
Cross stitched.
Watched Seinfeld.
Ate chocolate chip ice cream.
Now I will read some more until it's bed time.
Hope all is well in your part of the world and you had a day of sunshine.
Happyone :-)
Hi :) I see there is a lot of water at your place. Today we have rain as well, I have to put on my rainwear for my walks. This morning I was rather lazy and the dogs just got a short walk.
I guess I`ll be back blogging again. Right now I need to use most of my energy to be a mother...
Enjoy the weekend my friend, hope you and your husband get a lot of sunshine.
that is quite a bit of rain..but it sounds like you enjoyed yourself despite it--
pass the chocolate chip ice cream please..my favorite :)
Today, I think, I will finally get to work outside!!! I'm so excited.
It's interesting how that area fills up with water so quickly -- and then within a day it's gone.
Sounds like a Happy Day!
About time for those blue skies to show up...hope that they are all blue today. (We are having a mostly cloudy day with some sun and I'll take it!)
I had a thing or two to say about this rain that seems like it has finally ended:
But we never let a little rain get us down! :)
That 'stream' looks more like a river. There's something about that much moving water that is some what compelling. I alway have to go and watch the rivers when their running high. All that force and power, it's pretty awesome.
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