I've read Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich.
I took this picture of one of the men putting the shingles on the new townhouse across the street from me. Can you imagine standing at the edge of the roof like that? I get a weird feeling just watching him.
Friday I went back to the old house and spent 6 more hours painting the fence and I am happy to say I finished that job! Now my next painting job is going to be the half bath down stairs in the townhouse. I've decided on the color green.
Sunday both of us went to the old house once again and this time Ken finished a repair that had to be made to the roof on the garage. He finished that up while I cleaned the inside of the house.
Things are pretty much done. There is still a lot of stuff left in the garage and the sheds but that's not a big deal. Now it's just keeping the grass and gardens from looking overgrown.
House prices seem to be going up a bit around here so hopefully we will put the house up for sale soon.
More adventures of Stephanie, the bounty hunter. I usually like her books a lot but this one was just so so. Grandma and Ranger which are two of my favorite characters in this series were hardly mentioned.
I put these water bottles in the bottom of the flower pot so it wouldn't be so heavy and then added sand for drainage and potting soil.
Now it's all ready for the plants.
Impatiens are planted and watered.
A lot of us needed a break from blogging. Now that Blogger is having fits again, it seemed like the right time for me to take that break. I do hope that you and Ken have the chance to take a drive and enjoy the beautiful day.
What a good idea putting the bottles in the bottom of the pot, I may take your good advice.
Glad to see you back, Happyone.
Welcome back. I really like your idea of putting water bottles in the bottom of containers. I hope you'll feel free to pass along any other great suggestions.
The picture of the worker on the edge of the roof is absolutely scary!
The impatiens look lovely.
I really enjoyed PLUM SPOOKY -- but have to admit after a few -- they're kind of predictable. However, the books still make me laugh -- esp. with Gradma Mazur!
Welcome back. Hope you enjoyed your break. Whenever I see people working on tall buildings it makes me a little nervous.
Your impatiens look nice and that is a great area you have set up on the deck to do your potting.
I am amazed at how far along the townhouse building has come. Glad the guy on the roof has a safety line.
Wish I would have thought of your great idea about the water bottles in the bottom of the planter. Too late for me for this year, but I'll remember it for any new planters.
The impatients are a pretty shade of pink.
Hope you had a nice Memorial Day.
Welcome back to blogging. My wife really likes the Stephanie the Bounty Hunter books and tells me entertaining stories from them at times. Enjoy the day. Art
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