Had my usual morning walk while Ken washed the FJ.
I made pancakes for breakfast and then we sat out on the deck waiting for Ken's sister Kathy and her husband Dennis to arrive. They drove down from Pennsylvania to spend the day with us. It was so nice to see them as it's been over a year since we last were together. We gave them the tour of the house and then we all walked up the street to LeeLynn's and had lunch. We talked and laughed and enjoyed some delicious food. Back to the house for more talking. The time passed much too quickly and then it was time for them to go back home.
Kathy and Dennis gave us this beautiful Bamboo plant for a house warming gift.
Thanks Kathy and Dennis for the plant and making the trip down to see us. :-)
After they left we made a trip to the library to drop off the things that were due today and I picked up another book and a recorded book. From there we went to buy some paint. Tomorrow I will be spending the day at the old house painting the fence. My goal is to get the front done. I might start down the side if I don't get tired of painting. It's supposed to be another warm day like today.
I'm off to watch a couple Bramwell episodes, have some more cheese cake and do some knitting. I'll probably read a bit too.
Hope your Saturday was filled with sunshine.
Happyone :-)
Sounds like a very nice day. My neighbor gave my husband a bamboo plant when he was hospitalized last fall. We have it on the kitchen counter and enjoy watching it grow in just water.
Have a nice weekend.
My father's bamboo plants are so tall and ugly and line the dining room table. My sister is secretly poisoning them. We're glad :))
PS...I need Fish Tacos. Let me know if/when you'll be around the old homestead.
I love your bamboo plant. It is so hugh. I had some a few years ago, but they did not have that many shoots. They looked good for a few years, then they began to look sickly and finally expired. That one looks like it will stay very healthy.
It sounds as if you had a great day. I like your bamboo plant.
We had such a nice visit yesterday with you & Ken. Your home is beautiful.
KathyP from PA
I really like that bamboo plant (so neat how it's braided!) and the planter.
Neat bamboo plant. It seems like you could knit the bamboo stalks into almost any kind of sculpture. I wonder if you can buy the stalks to play around with?
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