This is a picture of the town house yesterday with the plumbing being worked on.

They were just finishing putting the big black electrical cable in the unit next to ours so that probably was done yesterday too.
I already posted a picture of the front stoop cinder block
the other day but this is just a better picture.
I bought these wooden eggs to paint a long time ago. They have been
just sitting in a basket waiting to be painted.
Ken had another vacation day to use up yesterday but we stayed home most of the day. Ken was working on his glass project for his class tonight and I was inside doing a bit of cleaning. We took a break to go to the town house and had a sandwich from Subway (in the shopping center across the street from the house) for lunch.
I'm trying to finish up my house cleaning today but I don't think I'll get it done. I still have to do my exercise tape and my book is calling to me. Reading sounds a lot better to do than cleaning.
So off I go for now! I hope you are doing something that makes you happy!
Yesterday afternoon I decided to paint them. I know it's fall and I should be thinking about pumpkins and fall stuff instead of colored eggs for spring. Maybe because I like spring better and I'm not looking forward to winter. I'd like to skip right over winter and go from fall to spring again.
Your new house is coming on, it must be exciting to see it built and follow it's progress. The eggs are good and Spring will soon be here again! BW Goosey
Those Fall leaves are so pretty. And so are those eggs. You did a great job painting those!
Those leaves are gorgeous! I'm sure your cousin will love them! And the eggs are FABULOUS!! You painted them beautifully!!!
John is enjoying seeing the townhouse progress as much as I am, I think.
What color are you going to paint your basket? I like your painted eggs. And, I love the leaves on your table like that, too. Be sure to save a few for yourself. :D
I love the picture of the pretty colored leaves and the eggs too. I wonder what color you will paint the basket.
It's interesting to watch the progress on your town house.
You can see the new house growing. lol. Are those eggs for easter?
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