I took this picture of the sun shining through the trees on the path
as I'm just about to come back up to the park.
I have seen lots of things during my years of walking around town but today I saw something that I've never seen before. I walked around the mill parking lot in the back and there was a girl with her car doors open and loud rap music playing and she was "dancing". As I passed her I said, "That looks like a fun workout." She said she was an erotic dancer and was practicing her routine. She did have all her clothes on - I guess it was a bit too cold to be in "costume."
A lot of people put up pretty fall decorations on their porch or yard but in my neighborhood they go more for the Halloween scary stuff.A closer look.
I finished reading The Right Attitude to Rain by Alexander McCall Smith.
It is the third book in the Isabel Dalhousie series and I enjoyed reading this as much as the other two. Isabel lives in Scotland and is the editor of the Review of Applied Ethics and in this book we hear more about her adventures.
Here's a quote from the book which I liked.
"He was right, she thought. It was easy to be moral when that was the way you felt anyway. The hard bit about morality was making yourself feel the opposite of what you really felt. That was where credit was deserved".
I got the fourth book of the series from the library too and will start that one tomorrow.
Ken went to his glass class about an hour ago and was going to stop by the town house to see what they did today so I don't have any pictures yet.
When he left I made some Welsh Cookies and when he gets home later we will have them for our snack while we watch Six Feet Under.
And so that's my day today. I hope your's was a Happy One.
Yes, I've had a busy, happy day. I made some maple nut scones late in the afternoon instead of going walking. I really admire your commitment to walking.
Hmm - that sounds like an interesting person you encountered on your walk :-)
I have been collecting some cross stitch projects that I would like to do. I used to do a lot of it many years ago.
I wanted to get out my fleece and go for a walk this morning, but alas, I've got too much to do before work.
I went to Em's game at Centennial yesterday and drove by your townhouse to check out the progress. One of these days I'll see you or Kenny there.
I'm reading a book about a stripper, or 'dancer', as they call themselves in the book. Funny that you should see what you saw. Sounds like she must have been on drugs. Practicing outside like that? Weird.
Happy Friday!
Those fall decorations look nice, never seen it here, why are the windows like that is it a fall decoration too?
Have a great weekend.
Now that's something you don't see everyday!
Love the roof decorations and that was funny about the dancer. Reminded me of once when I was walking on a track and there was a guy going around like he was boxing. Kinda of funny looking but scary too.
Wow - your neighbors really go all out. FUN!
Inteesting fuana you come across in your walks.
dick - yes the boards on the windows are part of the decoration too. On the side of the house is a huge spider web with a spider in it too.
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