Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Sitting on the Porch

 37 degrees and once the sun rose it was mostly sunny.
Sunrise 7:32
Morning Walk Steps 11,022

Started walking under the street lights on the main road and
up and down the side streets.

Then over to the cemeteries and walked around both of them
a couple of times.

This is behind the barn across from the Drane house.

I didn't see any people out walking.

One thing I did take notice this morning was hearing all the birds chirping.
That is a nice spring sound!!

One more sign of spring is all the toys out in this yard which means 
that kids are outside playing.
The house is across the street from the lower cemetery and a
neighbor of KitKat.

🙂    🌤    🥾

Another nice sunny day.
I could get used to this.
But I'm sure we'll get another day or two of snow.
Certainly was nice to be able to hang the laundry outside on the line once again.

Washed a couple more windows this morning.

After lunch I finally got the filthy Jeep washed.
Once again it is nice and shiny.

After that I collected some more stones and put them in the
dry rock stream out front that I'm making.

It was actually nice enough to sit out on the front porch.
  I sat out there and knitted the two rows for the day 
on the temperature blanket.
Today I got to use a green color called Apple.

Friday is pizza day but we were both in the mood for it,
so we're having it a couple of days early.

And so ends another lovely sunny day.
Hope yours was sunny as well.
Thanks for stopping by

Comment Replies:
GrannyM - I wash my windows with Norwex cloths.  No need for a product, you just use water.  Cloths are kind of expensive but you never have to buy another one.  I've been using the same cloth for years.  No product, so no streaks.  
Here's a LINK.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 Another morning for walking just like yesterday.
Started out dark, 30 degrees, clear and the came the sun toward the end.
Sunrise 7:34

Finished reading The Glass Maker last night and today dropped the book
down the book drop at the library.
From there I walked up and down the main road and some side streets.

Then when it was light walked around the ball park loop.
and lastly walked around the cemetery on on the hill.

Farmer Marvin looks like he'll be spreading the manure over
the field any time now.
The tractor is all set to go.
I stood next to the back tire and it is taller than me and I''m 5'5".

Saw the first signs of spring this morning.
Snowdrops around the base of a tree

and some little yellow flowers.

Morning Walk Steps 11,106

🙂    ☀️    🥾

After breakfast we headed out to Oakland and went to Lowe's.
From there we did our food shopping at Walmart.

Didn't get any more windows washed today.
Went outside because it was so nice out.
Sunny and in the 60's.

I transplanted the African Violets that Connie gave me back in 
I think it was November.
Was told to transplant them when they stopped blooming but they
have been blooming constantly.
They'll go back in the window over the sink.
Tried taking a picture of them there but there was too much glare.

Lots of branches fell all around the property over the windy winter
so today I went out in the front part and started picking them up
and adding them to the natural fences I've been making.
(A never ending job)
I like doing it though so it doesn't seem like work.
I was out doing that for a couple of hours.
It is very rocky and hard to walk in places and I took a bit of a tumble.
Tried grabbing on a little tree to keep from falling but it didn't work.
Just hurt my hand and little finger.
Nothing bad just a bit sore.

Now that I'm done reading The Glass Maker I've started on a Miss Read book
which I always enjoy.
Changes at Fairacre
After this one there are just two more books left in the series.

Supper tonight is Fish Sandwiches and TaterTots.

Hope you enjoyed your Tuesday.
Thanks for dropping in.

Comment Replies:
A few of you asked how the books are chosen for the book club.  We all can recommend any book.  Then we just pick a couple books from those.  Then Judy who is the organizer will pick the book that has the most copies.