Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, June 03, 2024

Pink Peep Monday


Sunrise 5:50
On the way to town I saw a couple of deer and a rabbit down the
road from my house.
It was a bit foggy early this morning at 6:20 when I got to town.

First walked around both of the cemeteries.
Saw a couple of deer out in the pasture and
the geese family were swimming back and forth on the pond.
Mom in front, 6 babies all lined up behind her followed by Dad.
So cute!!

Stopped at the Jeep to pick up a card and then walked to the
post office and mailed it.
Continued walking to and around the ball park.

Back through town and town the road toward home a half mile
where I turned around and headed back to town.
Up and down a couple of side streets and that ended my walk.

No people walking about.
Workers were finally finishing putting the dark gray siding on the
second new house.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    ☁️

I made us French toast for breakfast.

Stayed in the kitchen and made another two loaves of
English muffins.
Also made potato salad to go with the hamburgers we had for supper.

Wasn't so nice out this morning so didn't wash and hang the
sheets outside.
I just put clean ones on the bed.

The sun came out after lunch and we went outside to collect
more rocks for our project.
We only lasted about an hour because of all the bugs.

David and Liz stopped by to say hi and then we sat out on the porch.
When Ken went in the house I stayed out and read.
Just about done with the book club book,
The Bookshop of Yesterday.
Not impressed with it.

This Monday the Pink Peep decided to sit by these mason jars.

That's going to be it for today.
Happy Monday and thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...I love your green jars!

Bill said...

I like your header, very nice indeed.

Billie Jo said...

French Toast is a favorite of mine. My godfather taught me to make it years ago, and he taught me to put a tiny splash of vanilla extract in!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The beautiful photo captures the vibrant green glass next to a delicate pink peep. It's such a pretty picture of simplicity. At least I think so. :-)

Sandi said...

Cute bunny!

Granny Marigold said...

I rarely make French toast. Maybe when I find nice ripe strawberries I'll make some to go with it.
I like your old green jars and the pink peep looks quite nice in front of them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the Peep and jars! Your flower basket is gorgeous!

Ann said...

French toast sounds really good. I haven't had any in a while. The pink peep looks nice with those colored jars.

Prims By The Water said...

It was foggy here too yesterday morning and again this morning. Love your peeps next to the Mason jars How sweet. Janice

Rose said...

It sound like such a nice walk..I love to see babies of any kind.

Those petunias are gorgeous.

ellen b. said...

The peep looks comfortable with those jars. Hope the book club discussion is better than the book. :)

Mari said...

It's so nice to see the wildlife on your walk!
The petunia basket is so pretty.
I haven't made french toast for some time, better do that!
I have some mason jars like that too. I like them, looks like the peep does too.

Happy@Home said...

How nice that David and Liz are close and you get to see them regularly.
I think the peep looks perfect by the Mason jars.

Jeanette said...

Pretty first picture! I love the green jars!

Lowcarb team member said...

That hanging basket is very nice and I always enjoy seeing Pink Peep.

All the best Jan

Katerinas Blog said...

Great walk, lots of green.
What's more beautiful than
seeing deer and flowers at the beginning of the day!!
I love French toast and English muffins.
I really like the photo with the glass jars!