Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, November 02, 2023


I left a little later for my walk this morning than usual. 
The sun was supposed to be out today and wanted to walk in the sun for a while instead of mostly in the dark.
So I got to town and started walking 7:20.
The sun came up at 7:46 so didn't have very long to wait to see the sun.
It was 22 degrees.
Morning Walking Steps 14,425

Even though I went later didn't see anyone else out walking.

Walked through town and around the ball park loop

and along the little trail behind the park.

Continued my walk around both of the cemeteries and then up and down main street and some of the side ones too.

Looks like the lot with the modular home has started on the garage that is going to be at the back of the lot.
Not sure yet if they will be building it or getting a ready made one delivered.

Saw a few frozen puddles.  Here's one I didn't step on! 😀

Don't these red berries stand out on the leafless bush!

Sure was nice walking in the sun, I may walk the same time tomorrow.
Can't do it on the days I have to go somewhere.

🙂         🥾         ☀️

I baked a Cheesecake today.
Tomorrow is Ken's birthday and that is his choice of cake most years.
Fine with me because it sure is good!!!
I've had the recipe for years and years, one of the very few from my mother.
She didn't like to cook or bake so don't have many recipes from her.
The recipe is HERE.

I put the fringe on the scarf that I finished yesterday.
Next time we go shopping at Casselman's Market I'll bring it and give it to Donna.

Lighthouse Number Twelve
No markings on this one and even though it looks slightly different from yesterdays I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be the same one.
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse in NH.

Make your day a sunny one no matter what the weather.
Thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Deb - I have all the lighthouses in the same place - along a windowsill in our bedroom.  I'll take a picture after I've posted all of them.


Aritha V. said...

I enjoy your lighthouses. We have many of them here in the Netherlands. However, I think I've only climbed one of them.

Brrr, it looks so cold where you are. I can't imagine it turning white here again just yet. But it's certainly possible. Maybe later. That frozen puddle looks inviting. I'd like to stand on it.

Have a nice day!

Tom said...

..the berries are Viburnum opulus or perhaps trilobum. Happy Birthday Ken.

Debby said...

Are those red berries edible? They sure are a bright pretty red.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I was also wondering in the berries can be eaten. I think I would walk a little later as well. I am not really a fan of walking in the dark. See you again tomorrow!

Dianna said...

I checked out the cheesecake recipe. Oh my that sounds delicious. I want to give it a try. We aren't eating sugar here at the moment, but next time we have a fellowship meal at church this is what I am going to make. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

Mari said...

Don't you so appreciate the little things of beauty that God puts around us, no matter the weather. I like that frozen puddle.
Your cheesecake looks good. I haven't made one for some time. Bob would like one too!
Happy Birthday to Ken!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like the path of pine needles. I hope you both have a great day on his birthday!

Visits With Mary said...

The picture of the berries is so pretty, looks like a postcard. I love cheesecake too, wishI could have a piece. My diet says NO...{{sigh}} ☺

jack69 said...

I enjoy your walks and interest in light houses. They do stand out I have used two in my life time one in Key West and one in Biloxi Mississippi. Only a couple times did I really have to rely on them but when I did that light was sure welcome.
BRRRR the temps makes me shiver and then I smile that we shiver in 50 degree weather. LOL
Sherry & jack smiling down here.....

Ann said...

That sure was a cold start to the day. Love those red berries. They do stand out. Hope Ken enjoys his birthday.

John's Island said...

“The sun was supposed to be out today and wanted to walk in the sun for a while instead of mostly in the dark.” My sentiments exactly and that is why I’m looking forward to the return of standard time on Sunday. There will be more light in the morning for my walks. Yes, the red berries make for an amazing photo!

John's Island said...

Oops .. forgot this ... Happy Birthday Ken!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty scenes from your walk. It does feel nicer walking in the sunshine.
Happy Birthday to Ken! Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

ellen b. said...

Greg would choose cheesecake over a standard cake, too. Happy Birthday to Ken!

Bill said...

Ice always remind me of puzzles. :)

Granny Marigold said...

Frozen puddles always make me stop and admire the pretty patterns. Like the ferns that appear on frozen windows. Those red berries are striking! I'm glad Tom was able to identify them. GM
Happy Birthday, Ken. I know you'll enjoy the cheesecake.

Lowcarb team member said...

Those berries are a wonderful red colour.
Happy Birthday to Ken, enjoy the cheesecake.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

Similar conditions here with traces of snow first thing.